America's Newsroom With Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum : FOXNEWSW : September 11, 2015 6:00am-8:01am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> christopher joseph blackwell. >> kerry rosa blackburg. >> susan lay b. >> janice lee. >> richard milton jr. >> michael andrew mccarty. >> it is that day again for the 14th time. we stop to recognize september 11th. bill: it's that day again. for the 14th type we stop to remember september 11. we remember the day the world changed for all of us and still changing today because of it. we are looking at moving images from ground zero where nearly

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3,000 victims are being remembers today. as we say hello from america's newsroom, i'm bill hemmer live from new york. martha: good morning, i'm martha maccallum. we'll always remember the incredible bravery and selflessness we witnessed that day. but as we honor and remember those who were lost and those who died fighting in the war on terror as well, we are reminded of the threat we still face in the world today. bill: the children, the nieces, the nephews, the widows, this will go on for some time throughout the day. it's 9:01. as we come up on 9:02. we are reminded of so many vivid

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moment. 10,000 to 14,000 people were in the towers and ordered to evacuate at that moment. at 9:03 there will and moment of silence. that's the time united airlines flight 105 went into the south tower and took out 10 floors 75-85 killing everyone on board and hundreds inside the south tower at that moment. martha: i think back to that day. and he year you think somehow the potency of remembering what happened that day will diminish yet it never ever does nor should it. you watch these children grow up. we hear a young lady say i wish i had met you. so many of these people were not even born when this happened. it's so important in our capability and schools across this country and dinner tables

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tonight we discuss it with these children so they know and they remember what happened on that fateful day. >> nicholas w. brandemarti. >> daniel brandhorst.

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bill: rick leventhal was there the morning the attacks happened in lower manhattan and was there when the towers fell as well. rick is back at his postal ground zero. a lot has changed in the last 14, 15 years, rick. one of the things that's so remarkable. the memorial has become this public plaza. for years it was construction, fencing surround the area. now that fence is gone. you as a public person can cross from the street from the sidewalk on to the plaza.

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i remark on that because we have grown so accustomed to security all over this country and yet that is a place where you have freedom of movement. >> reporter: it's a beautiful and powerful place everyone should take. there were roughly 20,000 people who lived downtown. today there are 70,000 people living in lower manhattan. the numbers continue to grow. one world trade is open and filling with tenants. the memorial plaza now open to the public along with a museum which is very powerful and the work continues on other towers surrounding that site. this is a difficult day for the thousands of family members who

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gather every day. >> when you think about where we were 14 years ago, years after that now we are at a place that's been transformed. you see the 1 world trade center, the memorial has all its trees in place. it looks beautiful. of the museum opened, light has truly returned, it's not just good for the family members, it's good for all the public to remember what happened here. >> reporter: poem francis will visit the memorial museum. bill: how is that treated where you are now? >> reporter: this is always a day of high alert for the nypd and the agencies tasked with

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protecting the ground zero threat. now more concerns about snroarn wolves inspired by isis and other terror groups. how things are changed from bin laden's caves and couriers. bill brighten said the department has thwarted 20 plots since 9/11. >> we have an extraordinarily capable police department that is constantly reforming itself to the threats. that has changed the last months with isis and isil but we are starting to adapt to it. >> reporter: 57 million tourists will visit new york

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this year. martha: here is retired lieutenant bill keagan. he was at ground zero. he's a 20-year veteran of the port authority police department and founder and president of heart 9/11 which is a non-prove it disaster response organization who is a group of bonded individuals who worked at the site together and wanted to take that experience and bring it to people to keep the positive feeling going. i'm always struck how it all comes back. and you were at the center of the horrific tragedy that played out that day. take us back, if you could, to where you were and what you remember about that morning. >> i responded from home.

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i work admit night tour. and about 9 the * in the morning i received a phone call that they wanted me to come back to work, that a small plane had hit one of the towers. i was at hospital with my youngest daughter. i made tonight and saw the new jersey turnpike was closed. i raced up the turnpike towards the towers. as i came over the turnpike extension i could see the smoke wafting down the river and i realized this day was unlike any other day. though i had been there in 1993 and made my way up into the towers and i could see this day was going to be different. martha: in 1993, we know they came back later in 2001 to finish the job they wanted to carry out in 1993. i know you were honored for rescuing school children and

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getting them out of the building in 1993. at what point did you get into the scene. i know you lost 40 of your own from the port authority. >> 37 port authority police officers. i was being briefed by one of the sergeants at 2:00 p.m. when i heard how many of our people were missing and presumed dead, it was those words, "presumed dead" that struck me and almost took me to my knees. to think these people i went to police academies with and worked side by side with and i knew their familiesen to hear their names was numbing to me. but as per our training i picked ourselves up back down to the site and i was a block from building 7 when it collapsed. the next day i was named the operations commander of the

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rescue workers. i had the great honor to work with so many people. the group that gets forgotten is the building trades of new york city. their incredible response leaving their jobs and racing down to the world trade center. we could not have done the recovery without those building trade experts. martha: talk to me about heart 9/11. you have bonded together to continue your efforts. >> because of that experience and bond and how we saw the best of people and the worst of people. the eeflt was being overcome by the love that rushed to the world trade center. in some ways i thought we were better off because we had a job to do that brought comfort to others in this horror. what we wanted to do was take this training and experience ford to future disaster victims.

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as we began to retire we realized what we had done for a living wasn't just for a living. it was who we were and what made us who we were. heart 9/11 gave people the platform to come back and do this incredible work and help others. martha: it's a beautiful tribute to those who you lost and the work you did that day. thank you for all your service. we are pleased to have you with us today. >> christopher sean caton. >> robert john caufield.

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>> mary caulfield. >> judd on cavalier. >> michael joseph caklew. >> marcia g. cecil-carter. >> jason michael cefalu. >> thomas joseph ceilc. >> joni cesta. >> john chada. >> swarma chalasani. >> my precious daughter susan rose. she was the light of my life. >> my husband firefighter william edward protowski.

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we'll make sure no one ever forgets you. for those who never met you, they know you now. for all the first responders thank you for keeping our family safe, we pray for your safely every day. to the 9/11 families i met he year i pray for peace in the hearts of all of you. god bless first responders and god bless all of you, and god bless america. bill: about three years ago the 9/11 memorial made a decision not to alloy politicians to read off the names anymore. so what you have now are the families of the victims. each one is so touching when they conclude their series of names about their husband or of the uncle and on and on and on it goes. at the bottom of your screen you

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can see the list of names control across. some 2,800 plus that we stop to recognize he year as the ceremony continues. steven king, a day after heated debate over what going to happen for iran and the future of nuclear weapons. first on the day today. when you get out of bed on a day like today, what does it feel like for you? >> it's very real because i had so many friend, neighbors and constituent who were killed. again it's is a way different' inspiration to keep going to make sure we never let our guard down. and that we never forget the memory of those who died, who

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made such extraordinary sacrifices. hose who are trying to recover the remains of those who were killed. it's a complex series of feeling and emotions. but the underlying one is terrible sadness. america fought back and there is an obligation to never forget those who died. bill: there was a plot broken up in kansas city. in june we did a poll. we asked the american people how concerned are you about attacks by islamic terrorism in the united states. 69% say they are concerned. very or somewhat worried, 76%. how do we reconcile that knowing that the threat continues to evolve and change by the year?

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>> as you heard commissioner bratton say before, new york city stopped 20 plots that we know of. were better prepared than we ever were. unfortunately the enemy also was better prepared. the enemy in many way, i would say the threats are more significant than they were after 9/11, not a catastrophic attack like the world trade center and the pentagon. that's because al qaeda has broken into so many different mutations. all these printer groups. they are using the internet, they are radicalizing people over the internet, we have people in our own country who fight with isis. we have again people in our country who are allied with isis and al qaeda who are constantly attempting to take action

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against us. over the 4th of july, we had a if number of serious plots from isis and the u.s. in new york city alone there were five isis operators. if any of them were not arrested we could have had another disaster. somehow people want to put this in the rearview mirier or look on 9/11 as gettysburg or pearl harbor, ancient history we can commemorate. it's a living terror that goes forward. i heard your previous guest talk about the port authority. a neighbor of mine, kathy madaro. these are real people who put their lives on the line.

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we have to do everything we can to make sure it never happens again. 57 percent think we are losing the battle. we are going to watch the events from capitol hill as this continues today. we are 20 minute away from our next moment where we pause at 9:37 a.m. >> god bless. >> and my cousin firefighter steve belson who dedicated his life first as a lifeguard, then as the brave member of the new york city fire department. also known as mr. ladder 24. god bless the united states of america. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about

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>> thomas patrick culleniii. >> joan cullinan. >> michael joseph cunningham. >> robert curatolo. >> lawrence damian curia. >> paul dario curioli. >> beverly l. curry. >> andrew peter charles curry

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green. >> michael sheen curtin. >> my uncles we'll always love and remember you. [speaking spanish] >> my nephew jonathon capello. martha: moving messages from family members. and you can see when we take a look at the split screen, the pentagon as they prepare for the ceremony that will happen at 9:37 this morning. we'll stop to commemorate the moment the plane crashed into the side of the pentagon. general jack king will be with us to talk about his experiences on that day.

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in the meantime national security correspondent jennifer griffin. we understand the secretary of defense ash carter will be overseeing that ceremony this time around. jennifer griffin, good morning. >> reporter: it was a moving moment when they unfurled that large american flag at the point of impact where american airlines flight 77 hit at 9:3714 years ago. what's different about this ceremony this year, and i have been standing here for this ceremony since 2008 when the opened the memorial behind me. what's different this year is the president is not going to be here. he has been here every year and spoken at the ceremony. there are no seats for the family members it's a somber

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atmosphere. but also i notice there are so many children. children born in the last 14 years it's a smaller ceremony. and it strikes me as i look at the memorial next to me, there 184 benches to commemorate all of the victims and there is a name on email bench. i'm standing next to matthew flacco's memorial. what strikes me is it's the crepe myrtle trees have grown so much since the memorial was created. martha: jennifer, thank you very much. we'll be back there at 9:37.

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bill: danna perino -- dana perino is a former press secretary for george w. bush. the president has goarch year except this year. what would explain this absence? >> i wish he would have gone. i know he did the moment of silence. when jennifer talks about that first day when the pentagon was opened, i remember being there that day, and it was so moving. what she said about the trees is interesting. you look back. years go by so fast it was 14 years ago. as fox news has been run can the reading of the names of the victims in new york city as well as showing pictures of the pentagon, i believe that these ceremonies are important.

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i think that never forget should actually mean something. i think having to hear the names and giving email individual person a moment of their dignity and to know they were remembered is important for us. this war against the united states and against western values and ideals is going to continue. that's what president bush. when you look at that moment when andy card whispers. the country has to be more on a war footing. bill: one moment here. ♪ "taps"

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♪ "taps" bill: in about 8 minutes we'll pause for a moment of silence at the pentagon. defense secretary ash carter will make an address there and we'll get you back there live in a moment as well.

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i want to push this point too far. it was a moving moment for the president and the first lady. the white house says he will be at fort meade later to deliver an address. the pentagon is a 5-minute drive from the white house. why not as commander in cleave make it moment as it has been on this day at this time every year since 2009 and before. >> it's not an anniversary that sneaks up on you. i'll let the white house speak for itself why they decided not to be there. jack king did even interview with bill kristol who talked about the heroism and the civilians and the active duty officers who were there to pull people to safety is astounding and amazing. and the new one opening in

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pennsylvania is very important. bill: "national anthem. " [♪] ♪ " national anthem"

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bill: you were in san diego, california on this day in 2001. you got a phone call, and it was your time to respond. if you flew to washington, d.c. and you have been an east code kid since. >> i worked at the justice department right after 9/11. for me it changed my life forever. soon after i net george w. bush and became his press secretary and it was an honor to do something.

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one thing about president bush no matter what he was talking about, you could see it in the back of his mind, you could see it in his eyes, are we doing everything we can to protect our country from another attack. bill: five minutes away, a moment of silence. stand by at the pentagon. martha: let's bring in our nexte pentagon. general jack keane. he what else a retired four-star general and is visor on the on -- and an advisor on the ongoing war on terror. good morning to you. reading through your notes that day, i would like to you take us back. there are so many incredible

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stories of heroism. what do you remember about that morning, general? >> the pentagon is very deceiving. it's five floors you have and five floors down. 25,000 people on a normal workday. that was a normal day until a sergeant came into my office and received something horrible seems to be happening. an airplane hit the world trade tower on a clear day. i night was terrorism. they tried to below it up from the garage believe in 1993. we watched to see the second trade center tower hit and was talk on the phone to him. he was talking about listening to the fda net that they were grounding all airplanes and

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track something airplanes that were urn accounted for. there was one that went out to ohio and came bang to southern virginia and turned the east then went south short of the city. as a result of that we were discussing what's the evacuation for washington, d.c.? the plane hit the building. my office shook. i knew of what it was. i said to the general, did you feel that? he said absolutely not. he was five floors down. i told my staff to call home, evacuate. and i took a colonel and major. some shirts i had in my office bathroom, wrapped them around our faces to go to the site to try to get some of the people out. my imrks o said to me, he said, sir, we have got to leave this to others, let's go to the operations center. you have got to take commands of

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the army. i knew he was obviously right and we did that. as the officers came in from outside the building, they were full of blood and missing ties they used and tourniquets. they were dealing with people who were wounds and people who were unfortunately dead. that began the day that turned out to be a hair overing day for all of us. i visited the wounded that night about 11:00. but before i did that i told the officers in the operations center that this is a terrible tragedy for america to be sure. but for us it's the first battle of the new war. and no longer are we going to in america as most presidents have done, treat terrorism as a criminal activity. it has always been an act of war and that has been displayed to us in america that it truly is an act of war, and we the army

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will bear the brunt of this war, and we are going go to them and kill them. and we are going to capture them and destroy who they are southern what they stand for for what they have done to the american people here today. i have said let's put together a work plan to support the central command headquarters because we know they will lead america in this war. then i went out to see the wounded. it was there that it encountered stories about the heroism that had been portrayed in saving their lives. martha: we are going to listen to the bells. thank you so much.

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martha: let's go to secretary of defense ash carter. >> distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, the families to be with the families of those who lost their lives here at the pentagon. let me begin by offering on behalf of the department of

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defense my deepest condolences for the loss you suffered and the burden you continue to carry. we cannot fully appreciate how much your lives changed or how much you lost on this morning 14 years ago. we cannot understand how this felt every day since to see their smile, or to feel their embrace. we simply cannot comprehend the weight. but for me and so many others at the pentagon, the weight of their memory and our duty to hon year the is something we do carry with us every day. for all of us, their memory serves as an ever present reminder to cherish each day with those who love us. to stay village excellent against those to would harm us answer remain guide by the

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values that have always made us great. at times we depend upon something other than what we told in our heads and hearts to remember. maybe a poem taped to your mirror. maybe it's coming to the ceremony every year. for me it's a piece of the pentagon that sits on my desk collect from the rubble and passed down by each of my predecessors who have served since that horrific day. beneath this piece of indiana slime stone reads a simple inscription. it reads "to honor the 184 people whose lives were lost, their families, and all those who sacrificed that we may live in freedom. we'll never forget." we'll never forget. try as we may. we can never fully know how you

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feel on this day. but we do know, we fully know what the lives of your loves ones mean to this community and this nation. i hope you know that by returning here to the pentagon each year you set an example of strength and resilience for all of us. terrorists who hope to intimidate us will find no satisfaction and no success in threatening the united states. because not only do we come back, but by living in honor of those we have lost, we come back stronger than ever before. and after 14 years and forevermore, terrorists who threaten us will learn this simple yet unbending truth, no matter how long it takes, no matter where they may hide, they

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will not escape the long arm of justice. the threat from terrorist may evolve but our determination to hold these killers accountable remains constant. as americans we have the will to see that justice is done. as a military, we have the capability to see that justice is done. and because of our men and women in uniform, because we can rely on the finest fighting force the world has ever known. we know that justice will be done. the terrorists attacked the pentagon, they tore a hole in this building. they tore places in the your hearts that may never heal completely. but as you know better than anyone, they did not and could not take from us what defines us. as americans we are defined by our resilience. by our readiness to stand up for our values and willingness to

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honored the past even as we always begin anew. with your example you have embodied those ideals, you have shoinls how to persevere. how to move forward. so today and all days we honor and remember your loved ones. because of the example you have set for each of us, for our american family, you have our deepest admiration and appreciation. within this community we'll never forget. we'll always remember. we'll continue to honor the memory of those you have lost with the work we accomplish together. martha: secretary of defense ash carter address the people at the pentagon.

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at one point saying by returning each year you set an example of strength for all of us. general jack keane is still with us. your comments on the thoughts we just heard. >> i think he's right on the mark. this is a transformational events for the united states. it changed our policy and how to deal with terrorism. and we are still fighting this war. and i think that day propelled me forward, to stay determined to do it when i retired from the military. it became very personal. i lost 85 teammates that day in the united states army. in that headquarters of the army that day with the 85 dead and 184 carter was talking about, we never lost more than that on any given day in the 14 years of war. this is embedded in all of us. on behalf of the department of

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defense. i was a born and raised new yorker. i went up to the world trade center two days after this event. the fire chief took me through the extraordinary smoldering ashes of the world trade center site. i attended the mayor's evening briefing and offered to him personally that had already been offered on the phone, any help the united states military could provide to him and the citizens of new york. i was very impressed. what i saw was an operations center bert than anything we do routinely. they were determined and they were firm and they knew what they were about. i left new york city that day proud of its leaders and proud of its people. it's a pegs day in american history. it always will be. for those lives touched by it, their lives are changed as a result of it. you talked about heroism, when i

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visited them in the hospital, the wound. there were three women laying side by side. when i was leaving one said i can't leave until you hear our story. the lieutenant colonel laying in the bed next to me, she was a small framed woman. and she said she saved my life. i said what happened? she said i was on fire. she put the fire out. everything was black, the ceiling had fallen in onous and she put me on her back and crawled through a blackened hallway and took a computer and threw it through the window and she pitched me out. i broke both my legs. this other woman said i know what happened. she came back and got me. she passed her in the hallway and heard her whimpering in the office. she was paralyzed by fear and injury.

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this come and gets decorated for what she does now. she is not just saving her lives, she brought her out and pitched her through the same window and she breaks a leg, then she jumps out. that was typical of some of the heroism. three weeks later we had a ceremony recognizing everyone who was wounded to include civilians who we had to design a new medal for. in that ceremony. people decorated for heroism. as people were leaving the world trade center the fire department and police were rushing to help people. in that ceremony, standing in front of me, martha, and i didn't grasp it, i saw the names before me. but i didn't grasp it, i was in the nation.

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it was the largest ceremony i participated in. and in front of of me was a complete representation of all the people in the pentagon. there were soldiers and civilians, young and old, men and women. and some were in very good shape because they are obviously in the military and some were not in good happy as all. some were overweight. it reminded me once again that heroism doesn't have an age, it doesn't have a sex, it doesn't have a race, it doesn't have a religion. what it does have is people with heart and people with character who respond instantly to save other people's lives at the expense of their own. and that i believe what we saw in the pentagon that day firsthand and what took place in new york city propelled america forward. it was a tragic day, unforgettable day. but the memory of that day as

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displayed by people of courage, i think just washed over the american people. and we are a better people for what happened that day in terms of how our people responded. the united states military took up on behalf of all americans. we are going to stay on top of this until it's finally over. martha: general were thank you so much for that story and for your extraordinary patriotism and your contribution to this country and for your courage to go on and continue to fight and continue to illuminate the existing terror threat to this country and to the world by the work that you do. in keeping on top of all of these enemies as they exist you are the globe. general will be it's always a pleasure to speak with you in particular today. and i thank you so much for

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being with us. >> thank you, martha, for letting me tell that story. bill: we are honored to know you,ien. we are five minute away from an indelible point at 9:59 when the south touru collapsed on to the sidewalk below. we'll hear with andy card, the president's chief of staff experiencinged that day. bob beckwith, a firefighter 0 queens new york stood on top of a crushed fire truck and that day he stood alongside the president and stepped on to the national patriotic stage. today he still lives in his home at age 79 with his wife barbara age 77 as they have lived there since 1958. >> i can hear you, the rest of

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>> manuel gomez junior. >> jose benito gomez.

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my father, daddy, you are forever my hero. >> my father, you will always be missed. bill: and my far it and my far it and on it goes. andy card, the white house chief of staff. andy, it seems like we talk every day on this. every year on this date i should say. it's important that we do so because we promised never to forget. and the truth is america does move on but it can never forget. bill: take me back to florida inside that elementary school when you thought to yourself about the burden the country was about to absorb and the burden the president was about to absorb as commander-in-chief. >> when i walked into the

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classroom and thought what i would say to the president. he said it appeared a small engine prop plane crashed into the world trade towers. i whispered in his era second plane hit the second tower, america is under attack. i knew i was place on the president's shoulders an unbelievable burden that only he had to carry. that was because his oath of office called for him to preserve, protect and defend us, this country. i knew he would also carry a much greater burden than the one i placed on his shoulder, and that was the burden to keep his oath that promised to follow the command of the commander-in-chief. they would be asked to do things beyond comprehension. many of them would make sacrifices no president would ever invite on anyone. but it had to be done in order

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for the president to keep his oath. that's a burden the president carries not just in the day whispers about an attack. but he carries for the rest of his life. even when you are a former president, you never forget the sacrifices made willingly by people who serve in our military so the president could keep his oath. bill: i can tell you after being in kandahar, afghanistan, and later in iraq multiple times. when you look at where our military was at that time and where they are now and the sacrifice they have absorbed for all of us, it's stunning. >> it's stunning and too many of us just take it for granted. we don't understand the changes that have taken place in those individual lives and their families. the sacrifices they made sometimes giving their life,

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giving limb, mental capacity or comfort. their families have given up a loved one to us. so few of us say thank you. but we do say thank you and we remember. we remember the victims on september 11, 2001. we remember the heroes that emerged that day. we remember the civilian heroes that caused the planes to crash in shanksville, pa. and we remember all that had to answer the call of the president to help him keep his oath. so say thank you, remember, celebrate, and unite. bill: andy card, thank you for being here today. >> juan jeffrey e.gouga. >> joseph b.galixen. >> douglas brian garias.

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>> janet bruce gurk gustafson. [bell tolling]

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martha: that was the moment marked by the bell for the fall of the south tower which was the first the two of towers to fall . (0209fox555a.ecl)

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we watched it all reported here and elsewhere on that day and i'm struck by how fresh the tears and grieving is for so many people at ground zero as they continue to bring up those feelings that well up in all of us and family members on this-as they never ever forget. andy card and jack king reminded us eloquently of the reason why we can never forget and we must remember all those who have fought to keep us safe at home ever since that day and how important it is to carry on these lessons. >> on sept. relevance 2002, construction was happening and we were not sure what was going to be built or how long it would take and what would be the final form. the city expected 5,000 victims of the families to arrived. they had 25,000 that day and

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over the years the numbers have tapered lower and lower but still when you look at what the city has accomplished and built in lower manhattan it is best done in sight. the world trade center, 1 world trade which was called the freedom tower is now finished and observatory level, i am telling people across america and across the world next time you are in new york city do not leave this town without taking that elevator ride to the top and look out on this great city and this great area and this is a sight that needed to be restored and the nation to he'll. >> a sign of glimmering resilience that is now a begin over lower manhattan where for so long there was emptiness. we are waiting for the next moment of silence at

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hair is a tremendous sense of sadness and loss that is compounded when you see family members that aggrieving 14 years later. you have a sense of pride when you recall the courage and strength of new yorkers and the americans responded not just the firefighters and police officers but people from every walk of life who showed such courage helping us get through that terrible time. a tremendous sense of loss but a source of pride at how americans came together to deal with this crisis. >> we listened to general jack keene telling a story of three when, one who saved the lives of the other two and so many

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stories in man adnan the plane we just talked about. memories about your first visit when you realize the magnitude of what happened in the state you were governing. >> i went there the morning of september 11th tentative deal in time i ignored my security. you go to albany, your command bunker and i said i can't leave the city and i went down and walked to ground zero and we put together our emergency response plans coordinating so the city, state and federal government worked closely together. the first thought, one of incredible horror, there are dozens of people in those powers that you know who you will never see again in the fountain of innocent americans that will buy that morning. and you have to put aside emotion, provide the leadership

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to make sure we did everything we could to save as many lives as possible and help bring new york and america through this. i listened to your interview with andy card, the last thing he said was unite. if there's one thing i remember about september 11th, americans have put aside what seems to divide us and we had a sense of pride, we had been attacked and it wasn't republicans or democrats or northerners or southerners who had been attacked by americans and we stood together with the sense of patriotism and a sense of pride in america and a sense of mission to confront the challenges facing the country that we have to recapture day. >> it was an extraordinary feeling and the one bright spot in what was otherwise a horrific time for our country. and incredibly patriotic time in the country as well in aftermath of it. thank you very much, good to have you with us today.

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>> role hernandez. >> my son, anthony perez. anthony, we love you, never forget you, your children are doing very well, they worked very hard. they wanted to be proud of him and i pray for you to pray to give -- keep america safe and give the politicians but knowledge to keep america safe. >> michael batch. i miss you everyday and your nephews, they want to come here, but it was not possible. everyone thinks of view, and 12

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and 13, your children are also missing you all the time and the older ones, she is here today. i love you and miss you but hoping to see you when jesus comes, amen. >> my son, i miss you every day. >> last year when the memorial plaza opened up, 20,000 people came out to handle that amount of people they open up an additional three hours to accommodate and it is not cheap between memorial in the underground museum that is now open. and in washington d.c. making sure the memorial is held intact and is updated and given proper

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upgrades but on top of that can upwards of $60 million a year total and that takes money. we will see how washington figures that out. chris wallace with me out of washington d.c.. what do you remark on? >> like a lot of people you think that 9/11 is part of your past, that it is an important part but you put it in your memory bank and you see the images from 9/11 and you see the way people are reacting, that mother who was talking about her son and saying with a still broken heart she thinks about him every day, you realize is still an open wound for the families and an open wound for a lot larger american family. we all take this personally.

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was not just an attack on those people, it was an attack on our country, what we believe in, what we stand for and you realize it is still there and it will be there as long as any of us live. that is why it is important to have these memorial plaques and museums so the memory goes on and the understanding of what was at stake here goes on long after all of this has passed. >> you wonder 14 years later what we have been through and what we have accomplished and you try to figure out what is next in this long war. >> i remember a certain man named roger ailes, the founder and ceo of fox news to got in front of an audience in new york city and said show of hands, who does not think we will fighting islamic extremism until the day you leave this earth? not a single hand went up. that brings us to the next

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debate and the next argument, our as a nation we are going to confront it and ultimately defeat it? >> that is right. one of the shoes, for all the arguments about personal issues or silly remarks, that is what we have to focus on. our very way of life, the future and security of this country is always at stake. that is a lesson we learned on 9/11, we thought we were safe, we are not. we are as safe as we make ourselves. that should be the main debate as we go forward in the 2016 campaign, how to protect the country, what is the right way? there are some people who say enough, we want to stay out of the middle east, we don't want any more wars, some people saying we can't afford to do

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that. i am not saying i am smart enough to know the answer but as a nation we need to decide who has the wherewithal to lead us in that direction because if one lesson we learned, 9/11 is that complacency we had about the security of the american homeland and the american way of life was misguided and we have to protect it, be vigilant about it. >> the story is constantly evolving. with the refugees from europe, that is just getting going to. chris wallace in washington. >> part of never forgetting is protecting the record of that day. today we have brand new photos from inside the white house that were taken on september 11th as the president and the administration grapples with of the events that were unfolding, an unbelievable moment for the people in that room. we will show you when we come back. so what about that stock? sure thing, right?

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>> charles edward jones. >> christopher jones. >> donald jones ii. >> donald w. jones. >> few things are more elegant than the red, white and blue american flag, hundreds if not thousands have been posted in long island, new york and they put 3,000 around the state house in columbus, ohio.

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we're ten minutes away from the next moment of silence when the north tower collapsed. 102 minutes after it was struck by american airlines flight. >> also today we are getting our first look inside what was happening at fault white house 14 years ago on this day. the national archives just released some brand new photos of president bush, vice president cheney, condoleezza rice, secretary of state, all these pictures were taken in the moments after the president returned to the white house and they were working furiously in the bunker beneath the white house to figure out the next move. at the same time the bush library is releasing e-mails that were sent that day between various members of the administration. we will look at these in that poignant photo from that day. joined by kt mcfarland, secretary of defense of the

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reagan administration and national security analysts, steve hayes, senior writer for the weekly standard and fox news contributor, welcome, good to have both of you with us on this important morning. i want to start by showing you these e-mails, there are six of them but they give the is the tenor of what was going on that morning and everything was. usual, the e-mails flying back and forth that morning and told this one which says turn on cnn. this one, 9:30 budget meetings canceled. this one from david horowitz, to mary matalin, a counselor to dick cheney, today is pearl harbor. to the next one, clay johnson. unbelievable. we just got back into the white house having been in the bunker

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all afternoon, white house aide at the time, his sister, are you feeling secure their? is it safe enough for the president to return? it is safe enough for me. it captures the magnitude, the understanding that the country had changed forever in that moment and also national concern of family members' checking in with each other across the country to make sure people were okay. as we look at those and the pictures, your thoughts on that. >> i have been in the white house situation room, not in a crisis like this that that happens, you get information and it is body and you are not sure what is going on and you have to make decisions, you don't have enough information. the importance of this is we have now seen in real time, normally we see historic events through the eyes of the people who lived in them and they write about how great they were when we see their memoirs but we are looking at it in real time.

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i find that fascinating. one e-mail that struck me the most when a texas minister to karen hughes rose to her and e-mail and said if this, we would be at war, if this was a country that attacked us we would be at war. that to me is the crux of where we have been for 14 years. we have not been at war with a country. we have been at war with an idea, religious extremism. the bush administration dealt with it militarily, the obama administration by withdrawing from it by saying we will just come home and not be involved in the middle east and neither approach has been successful. we see radical islam from north africa to afghanistan and in all 50 states in the united states and throughout europe and is about to get exponentially worse as massive numbers, millions of refugees fled into europe and other parts of the world. >> we will squeeze in a break.

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i ask you both to stay with us over this break. we as we get out of the break, thank you very much, thank you for being with us, we will be right back. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today.

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a rest. >> a bit of news "happening now". the mayor of baltimore is announcing she will not seek reelection. five months after her city erupted in violence after the death of ready gray, two days after the city announced it would settle with freddie gray's family for $6.4 million. also the same time the trial was set to begin in baltimore for a six police officers. that is "happening now" in baltimore as we turn our attention back to new york city and shanksville, pa..

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>> danielle kusolis. >> john bj krieg. >> a couple minutes away, 10:28 moment of silence for the fall of the north tower. want to bring back kt mcfarland and steve hayes. one of the others things people are focused on today is what happened three years ago today in benghazi. your thoughts on that as we reflect over the course of the war on terror and the meaning of all of it. >> people are focused on both of those things. the big picture people are talking about 9/11 remembering the attacks that they. the folks in whitehouse who had to shift quickly between professional responsibilities and personal concerns and family concerns that it is also the case looking back on benghazi, what happened before that and

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after was part of politics of the day and we will learn more about those acts and wes went into security preparations before them, what happened on that day and what happens in the aftermath, the narrative the american people were given after the attacks. >> any significance, we are a minute away, to the fact the president chose to go to court, he went usually to the pentagon and we see the president, any thoughts on that before we go? >> not sure what the significance is and i would be reluctant to jump to any conclusions. carter's remarks were quite moving. i thought it was appropriate to talk about how he was in the pentagon, down from his predecessor in both parties and remembering the attacks, gave very good remarks. >> 20 seconds to go. any thoughts on that? >> we learned you can't let down the guard, have to understand

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this is a long war as roger ailes said, it will go on the rest of our lives. we all have to play our part. remember september 11th, it started horribly and ended nobly and we haveinue that. >> thank you very much. as we pause and remember the moment the second tower fell in new york city. >> you are my son. i love you, your family is here with you today. i know you are looking down smiling, shaking her your head, so god bless, i love you, keep smiling. [applause] [bell ringing]

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>> michael patrick leclerk. >> so majestic. as you say we've waited so many years for that building to be finished but now that it is it is truly a gleaming tribute at the lower part of manhattan and

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we look at the reflecting pools, spent time as these people remember those that they lost. it is an extraordinary place and extraordinary memorial in the end. mary lou, langley. >> peter levonne. >> michelle lanza. >> ruth she wily lapin. >> lariby. >> robin blair, larkky. >> judith, camilla, larocoqe.

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>> hamidou larry. >> john ad adam larson. >> gary. >> charles loren son. >> steven james loria. >> den voice francis levit. bill: 14 years later a country still at war. battlefield is growing, with isis and syria and iraq and spreading to northern africa. senate majoritier mitch mcconnell live from the hill as we remember those lost on this day, september 11th, 2001. >> wrote a love letter and that

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♪ >> charles leseron. >> jeff levine. >> john dennis levi. >> alicia karen levin. >> my bee loved husband, peter mutos. love of my heart. thanks for those who serve to keep our country safe and our freedom. thank you. >> and my uncle, john thomas resta, my aunt, sylvia resta and their baby that we never got to meet. we all love you and miss you every day. bill: and on and on the names roll off the tongues of the families who miss them every day

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and on the bottom of your screen, you see the names crawl and they do on and on this day. beginning with gordon amaoth. the distinction of being first name read every year in lower manhattan. want to bring in senate majority leader mitch mcconnell out of kentucky. thank you for your time. a lot to get to with regard to iran an ongoing debate. first reincome shuns on today, sir? >> bill, like millions of americans i saw second plane go into the second building in real time and joined all the members of congress later that evening to sing, "god bless america" on the steps of the capitol. it was obviously a day like no other for generations of americans. they will always remember that day. for my parents generation it was the japanese attack on pearl harbor, for millions of americans, it was 9/11. so we will never forget.

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bill: thank you, senator. let's talk about the debate that is ongoing about iran. is this deal done now. >> what we know, bill, there is bipartisan majority who he oppose the deal. senate democrats have used a procedure ral device to prevent the president from getting a motion of disapproval, which he would veto, but he is going to win the short-term battle but we've won argument with the american people. their overwhelming opposition to the deal. the israelis oppose the deal. our sunni-arab allies are nervous and apprehensive feeling they can't trust us anymore. this will be a defining issue in the 2016 election. not only for the white house, but for continued control of the senate. not a single republican in the house or the senate supports this deal. many democrats don't support it either. and it is going to be one of those rare issues, bill, that

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has a long shelf life and will be out there for the american people to render a judgment about in the fall of 2016. bill: let me run through a number of things in the time we have. there is the possibility you could bring the bill back next week. is that true or not? >> i probably give the democrats one more opportunity to get over the procedural hurdle they have imposed on this and give us the opportunity to go forward but it looks to me like they're pretty dug n they will have to vote on it at least one more time. bill: this government passed a law that they wanted to see the deal. has anyone seen it? >> the side agreement between the iaea and iran no one has seen and that is another good reason to oppose the deal. bill: why is that, sir? >> beats me. the law clearly requires the administration to send to us all the agreements. they have not complied with the law, which is of course another

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very good argument for voting against the proposal. apparently our democrat friends in the senate who are supporting this deal are not particularly troubled by the fact that there is undisclosed agreement between the international atomic energy agency and the iranians. we don't know the details. from what i hear about the arrangement, which has leaked out, the iranians will have largely ball control over when the ininspectors come in, and what they're allowed to see. just another good reason to oppose this very unfortunate deal, with one of the thuggish, rogue regimes in the world today. bill: senator, people on the outside see this and they think, well, that is just washington doing what washington wants to do and damn the laws. you know what is going on the campaign trail, democrat or republican. that is why bernie sanders getting 15,000 people at a rally.

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why donald trump is at 32% in the polling right now. people don't like what is coming out of washington and they think the smell stinks. >> i agree with that. this is a deal supported by democrats only. a deal and netted by democratic president. let's make sure we know who ought to be angry at. every single republican in the house and senate believes this is a bad deal and opposes it without exception. bill: john boehner is considering legal action to stop this. ted cruz has written up a proposal how you could go after banks in this country and around the world and threaten them if they allow the money to go to tehran they will be penalized for it. does that sound like a good backup plan? >> well i think all of that is worth exploring. we'll do that. bill: and will you? >> we'll explore it, likes we would any other proposal. bill: i know you and ted cruz have had moments back and forth. is this something you are seriously considering today, senator? >> we're happy to consider any

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proposal that any of our colleagues have and, there is no particular animosity toward any of them. bill: senator, thank you for your time. >> okay, thank you, bill. bill: mitch mcconnell from the hill. we'll watch to see what comes next and see if there is progress or if the deal is truly done in the end. mitch mcconnell, republican from kentucky. thank you, sir. >> thank you. martha: well there is another senator who is also a big critic of the iran deal, senator and presidential candidate marco rubio joins us on what he thinks is going to happen here. that as we continue today to remember september 11th 14 years later. >> i never give up. i'm so proud to be your daughter and to be named after you. i truly hope you are proud of the person i am today. and to your beautiful granddaughter, kyla who you never met, she hears about her grandpa jack all the time and your nephew steven flew in from vegas to be with you today. to my three fellow new york

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state court officers who also perished on that awful today. before they become trendy.

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>> i've never been more disappointed in the body than i am today. you won't let us have a vote. you won't let us have debate. and please stop saying this deal makes israel safer. that's cruel. martha: that's cruel. south carolina senator lindsey graham after democrats block a resolution rejecting the iran nuclear deal. joining us now florida senator and republican presidential candidate marco rubio. senator, good to have you here this morning. there is so much frustration on the deal. we spoke as you probably heard senator mcconnell who basically said there is bipartisan opposition to the iran deal and i think people at home, you know, who may not be that familiar with interworkings of the procedural efforts on capitol hill say, well, how does that work then? you know, you've got republican senate, republican house and you can't get rid of this deal? >> yeah.

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well that, part of a bigger problem. i don't think there ever has been a time in my lifetime political establishment in both parties are more out of touch with lives of every day people than today. there is massive disconnect between washington and rest of the country t has only grown wider this deal is perfect example of it overwhelming majority of americans in poll after poll show they don't senator their deal. partisans walking in step. effort. rally around the president. defend his legacy issue. who cares about the defense implications for our country. some in republican leadership treating this like any other bill. this is not any other bill. we're talking about a radical shia cleric who will come into possession of nuclear weapons sometime in our lifetime. we should do everything we can. we don't have votes, fine. i also support the argument that we don't have the entire deal. that this clock has not begun to run. we should be stating that

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unequivocally right now. we should state every opportunity to impose difficult sanctions. if there is everything that we should stop everything to focus like a laser on this. instead i get the, let's have a couple votes, move on to the next issue. this thing is done with this is too important tore that. martha: i think a lot of people get that sense. we listened to senator mccon he will -- mcconnell, although there are other proposals out there to curb funding and the like it's a done deal. i do agree that is why people are disgusted frankly what is going on in washington. they say you guys can't get anything done? >> there is nothing wrong with saying you know what? this issue is different. this is not fight over funding railroad track somewhere or opening up post office. this is a issue about radical lunatics possessing a nuclear weapon and we'll do everything we can in order to stop it. we'll be creative about it. we'll continue to bring the issue up. we'll do everything we can to derail it. if you ever fall on the sword over an issue, something that

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threatens security of the united states and future of the world i think that merits that attention but it goes back to this extraordinary disconnect. only growing worse. i don't know what it is but after someone been there for a long time they become insulated from what life is like forever day people, what life is likes across the country. results are bearing out. quite frankly i chose not to run for re-election for the senate after four-and-a-half of 1/2 years and run for president. i realize only way we'll change this is someone in the white house serious about these sort of things. martha: that is pretty strong statement. you're right in assessment how people feel about it there. is nothing that can be done. republicans are controlling both houses in the both senate and house and this deal, when you look at president's biggest achievements, he will point to this democrats have been in lockstep. this deal will hang around their next. if ayatollah is correct that there is no israel in 25 years

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which is what he has been tweeting out lately, this will have a legacy that will last. maybe they're right. maybe this is a good deal. this leads to softer relationship and the end of the nuclear arms race in the middle east but certainly doesn't look like it from this vantage point. >> first of all, on every issue they say there is nothing we can do, procedural bill, procedural vote blocking it or don't have enough votes. what is point having majority. maybe we could stay in the minority and criticize and say there is nothing we can do. apparently these guys control the world no matter what the numbers are in congress. this is the second point about this deal. they know it's a bad deal. democrats know it us bad deal. they all couch terms i don't think it is perfect, i don't think it is ideal but, here's why they're doing this they are afraid of the radical left-wing base of their own party. they're afraid of being anti-peace. afraid being attacked by president. saw what he did to schumer. that is why they're walking the plank. they have become captive to radical element in their party.

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martha: as you point out you're running for president. put up some. numbers. you have another opportunity to week to make your voice heard. i think you're down about 5% in the course of the last month in some of these polls. what are you growing to do to shake up this race? >> first of all these polls are irrelevant other than who gets on the stage especially at this stage. i say that when i'm ahead in polls. i have been a few months ago as well. they don't mean anything. i'm running a campaign designed to be in percent place in january, february, march an ape. not in first place in august and september. second, i'm going to continue to run my campaign. i am who i am. i will not change what i stand for or what i believe in for purposes of winning or losing. i will tell people who i am and what i will do. i'm confident that leads to victory when it counts. in the interim i will focus on our message and fact i made this argument and making it for six years. we're on the road he to decline. we will decline as country if we don't change direction. we can't change direction

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republicans or americans if we keep electing next person in line. martha: i have a hard break coming up. thank you. bill: we continue to reflect and remember, 14 years later, september 11th today. >> john mcdowell, jr.

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florida. what does that symbolize,. >> reporter: good morning, bill. this is still painful connection for people here at kennedy space center to all the victims up in new york, washington and pennsylvania that day 14 years ago. the piece of steel i-beam, one of the last remaining pieces still left at the john f. kennedy airport hangar where all of that debris was removed and taken in weeks and months of 9/11 from downtown new york city, arrived here via flying from philadelphia to miami. and then a police escort up here to kennedy space center and it is now behind me. there was a 30-minute ceremony here. a good crowd on hand. a lot of police officers, firefighters, as well as veterans here, all paying tribute to the 343 firefighters and first-responders who made the ultimate sacrifice in the twin towers trying to save the

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lives of others. it is now permanently here on display, this piece of i-beam, 16-inches, by 16-inches by 7 feet long, weighing 2000 pounds. this is a photograph taken from the international space station on that day 14 years ago, from 250 miles up above new york city. that was the scene of the world trade center site which really hit home to people around the world. the magnitude of what happened. bill: that is remarkable. thank you, phil keating there in florida. martha: remarkable photo from space. today, fathers and mothers and children, uncles, nieces, all of the family members down there reading names at ground zero. that continues as we remember that day 14 years later. >> david robert meyer. >> narul meyer. >> william edward -- úr#b

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>> laura lee defazio morbito. >> actor in morales. jon: they are still reading in lower manhattan. names of fallen continue to roll at bottom of the screen there as we honor all of them. >> our thoughts with all families families and their members who they lost today. see you on monday. jon: we will continue the commemoration of events of 9/11, 2001, but also this, good news and bad news for republican frontrunner. new poll showing donald trump holding his lead in iowa but a large block of gop voters there insist a billionaire candidate will never be an option. good morning. it is "happening now." and i'm jon cot. jenna: i'm jenna lee. we look forward to hearing about your adventure.

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America's Newsroom With Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum : FOXNEWSW : September 11, 2015 6:00am-8:01am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.