The Daily Journal from Flat River, Missouri (2024)

The DAILY JOURNAL, Flat River, Mo. Friday, January 26, 1973 Page 7 POLLY'S POINTERS Farmington Garden Club Installs New Officers Home Economist Joins Dairy Council How Does One Remove Curtain Fold Lines? By Polly's i. DEAR POLLY A few years ago I moved and did not want to use my white nylon panel curtains. I washed, folded and stored them. Now I want to hang them again but the fold lines will not wash out, iron out or hang out.

A friend of mine had the same problem and she solved it by throwing her curtains away. I do not want to throw mine away but cannot use them as they are, so what can I do? CECILIA Vincil Chapter Enjoys Session Vincil Chapter 43 Order of Eastern Star met January 16 at Samaritan Temple in Bonne Terre. Mrs. Esther McClure, worthy matron and Austin Gillam, worthy patron, presided. Following the opening ceremony and during the business session, a letter was read by the secretary, Mrs.

Johanna Bess, that Mrs. Barbara Lucas, district deputy grand matron of the 48th district of the Grand Chapter of Missouri OES has scheduled February 20 for her official visit to the chapter. After the closing all were invited to the dining room where delicious refreshments of cake, ice cream and coffee were served by the committee, Mrs. Laura Hosking, Miss Ruth Hosking and Miss1 Wilma Hosking. GARDEN ACCENTS St.

Francois County health and nutrition leaders will be assisted by Miss Edith Wehrend who recently joined the St. Louis District Dairy Council as home economist Miss Wehrend will work from Dairy Council's St. Louis office. Other counties she serves include Bollinger, Cape Girardeau, Perry, Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, and Washington as well as several suburban St.

Louis county school districts. As home oconomist, Miss Wehrend works with educators, health professionals, and community group leaders. Dairy Council is a non-profit educational organization sponsored by the Dairy Industry. Dairy Council's program is designed to help people understand the importance of nutrition to health and the vital role of It was a beautiful sunny winter's day January, 19, when the Farmington Garden Club met with Mrs. Raymond S.

Roberts, assisted by Mrs. T. R. Lloyd and Mrs. J.

F. Tuttle. Twenty four members and one guest, Mrs. Marvin Craig, were served a delicious dessert luncheon at 1:30 p.m. Mrs.

Victor Quesnel, the retiring club president, installed the 1973 officers in a meaningful ceremony. The new officers are: Mrs. R. S. Roberts, president; Mrs.

R. Lloyd, vice president; Mrs. Nell Marie Cleve, recording secretary; Miss Lottie Huff, corresponding secretary; Mrs. D. L.

Auchter treasurer. The program chairman, Mrs. Lloyd, passed out the new year books and explained the theme, "The World is in My Her program for this meeting was "The World is in My Garden," which explained the origin of many of the well known flowers. This program will be used in three articles in a series on the society page of the Daily Journal. Mrs.

E. J. McKinney had the last part of the program which included musical numbers involving flowers. She called her program "The Four Each member was given a score card and pencil and was asked to write the song titles as Mrs. McKinney played her story.

Mrs. D. L. Auchter won the prize, having listed 14 numbers correctly out of 17. This added a lot of merriment to the afternoon.

We all enjoyed Mrs. McKinney's beautiful piano music. Mrs. Lloyd explained the next two programs and stressed member participation. The business session was called to order by the president, Mrs.

R. S. Roberts. Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved as read. The treasurer's report was read, and Mrs.

Auchter presented the budget for 1973, which was DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with churches who do not keep their pianos tuned. I am a musician and our group has lots of invitations to sing at other churches. We accept, but it is so annoying and embarrassing, too, to sit down at a piano and even find some of the notes are stuck and some of the keys do not make a sound. I think all churches should have their pianos tuned and repaired at least once a year. BELL DEAR POLLY I am a lawyer telling people what to do.

I always read your problems hoping I can tell someone domestically distressed a thing or two. I want to tell Mae that I covered my black linoleum counter top with that heavy yellow adhesive-backed paper we all use for so many things and simply because I like yellow better than black. It goes on easily, cleans beautifully and lasts well. When it does get worn just rip off and replace. It's that easy.

ESTELLE DEAR GIRLS That method is quick, easy and instantly effective but such a covering would require a certain amount of care. Always use a chopping board and it would seem more practical in a household with no children. They might forget and become careless with it. POLLY "The World is in My Garden Class Hasleeting The members of the Dependable Class of the Esther Baptist Church had the meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Hazel Alexander.

There were eight members present. The meeting was opened with prayer by Velva Cox. The program was directed by Ida Bell Haile. Mrs. Mary Slover gave the devotional from Galations The class donated $5 to buy refreshments for those of a ward at the State Hospital that had birthdays in January.

The members agreed that two of the class would sit each day with Gladys Crepps, a member of the class that is ill. Mrs. Crepps has been a patient at the hospital for the past few weeks. The closing prayer was by Essie Horton. Those present were Hazel Alexander, Essie Horton, Ida Belle Haile, Elsie Mc-Clanahan, Emma Davis, Velva Cox, Mary Slover and Irene Shannon.

"The hyacinth, native of Greece, has spread throughout the North African area. The Roman hyacinth was first found in Italy, later in France. With the fall of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages descended upon Europe. In the chaos of that terrible period, many flowers and vetetables introduced by the Romans were lost. Farms and villages were deserted.

Rude seats of turf were cut from the fields and brought inside the castle walls where people were being protected from the barbarians. Seeds of many wild flowers were in the turf, and in this manner many plants were saved and cultivated, to be later improved. The common bluebell of that time has become our lovely Cantebury Bells. "The pansy with its variety of form and coloring is a hybridized form of the heart-ease, also known as the Johnny-jump-up. In England there are 60 local names for the pansy.

"The primrose comes from the field primrose and cowslip, both common in European pastures. Our polyanthus is a hybridnf the wild, varieties. pot marigold was grown in medevial times for its medicinal and religious uses. Mary's Gold has a religious connotation. Two wild roses belong to this period, The French Rose and sweetbriar." Bonne Garden Club Receives Year Books rail's DifJE-inu Bonneville Plaza Shopping Center Serving Your Favorite Foods QUICKLY I Eat In Or Carry Out CHICKEN SPECIAL approved by a vote of the membership.

The duties of committee chairmen were discussed. A letter was read from Mrs. Ted DeClue, supervisor of volunteer services, at the Farmington State Hospital, thanking the club for the Christmas tray favors made for the hospital patients. The Farmington Council of Garden Clubs will meet January 26. The program committee was given a vote of thanks for the interesting program for 1973.

Mrs. Quesnel was thanked for her fine work as president in 1972. There being no further business, the club adjourned to meet with Mrs. W. T.

Coghill, February, 21. Steve Tripp Has Brithday Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Tripp of Libertyville entertained Saturday afternoon with a surprise birthday party complimentary to their son Steve, who was celebrating his 13th birthday anniversary. Various games were enjoyed by the following present for the occasion; Ricky Smith, Lisa Miller, Bonnie Graham, Rhonda Haney, Mike and Tom Turner, Dennis, Terry and Lisa Underwood and Kathy and Beth Tripp.

Area Ladies Attend WSCS Wcrkshop A number of women of the United Methodist Church attended a legislative workshop in Jefferson City on Tuesday arid Wednesday. Among those attending were Mrs. Ralph McCullough, Missouri East Conference WSCS president, and Mrs. Marvin Bohnenkamp, Flat River United Methodist Church WSCS president, both of Flat River; three Cape Girardeau Farmington District WSCS officers, Mrs. Hues Pratt, president, of Farmington; Mrs.

Richard Popp, Chairman of Missionary Education, of Cape Girardeau, and Mrs. Bryan Caviness, vice president, of Lead wood; and Miss Ruth Beard, District Chairman WSG, of Fredericktown. Mrs. George Karsh Attends lasting Mrs. George Karsch of Farmington was in St Louis on Saturday to attend a Board of Directors meeting of the Missouri Easter Seal Society.

The new executive director is John Kneist, former director of the St. Louis society. M. Keneist replaces Earl Davidson who retired following 23 years of service. TUESDAY THURSDAY 3 PIECES CHICKEN SLAW t7 POLLY CRAMER Problem JAN.


9 A.M. -10 P.M. SUN. 3 P.M. -10 P.M.

of Glassware REG. The Bonne Terre Garden Club met Monday, Jan.15, at 1 p.m. at the Lamplight Inn. A delicious luncheon was served to 18 members and their guests. At the conclusion of the luncheon, the meeting was called to order bylhe president, Miss Nellie Evans.

The collect was led by Mrs. Laura Hoskings. The roll call was answered by each member naming her favorite state or national park. The minutes of the December meeting and the treasurer's report were read and approved. Need HELP with TAXES? Call CROWN FINANCE PERSONAL LOANS UPTO $2,500 FOR ANY GOOD PURPOSE Call PHIL ROWLAND 431-2MS CROWN FINANCE CORPORATION 221 West Main Street Flat River, Missouri (3601 Edith Wehrend dairy foods in good nutrition.

A native of Rosebud, Miss Wehrend received a BS degree in Vocational Home Economics Education from Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg. Prior to joining Dairy Council, she was employed at Barnes Hospital, St. Louis. Euphrates rivers in Mesopotania. "The earliest inhabitants of this cradle of humanity were Sumerians.

The famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built by Nebuchadnezzar to please his little bride, Amytis, who grieved for the green hills of her native Media. "Under the Persian rule, beginning in 539 B.C., King Cyrus designed, his own garden and filled it with ornamental plants. In less than 200 years, Persia was conquered by Alexander the Great, and many unusual plants were brought back to Greece. Even before that, Egyptians were sending plant hunters all over the then known world. Ancient Egyptian carvings show that more than 3,000 years ago explorers were bringing cargoes of plants for beauty and fragrance in the temples.

Carvings of waterlily, palm leaf and papyrus are found on the temple columns. Funeral wreaths found in ancient tombs show that they grew narcissis, lilies, and cornflowers. "One of the-most abundant flowers of the, Mediterranean area was the grape hyacinth. There are more than 40 varieties, varying greatly in size and color. The Star of Bethlehem is also native to this area, and has many varieties.

1 TRY OUR LATEST. MEXICAN FOOD PHONE 358-5211 FOR CARRY OUTS (A program "The World is in my Garden" was presented to the Farmington Garden Club by Mrs. T. R. Lloyd.

The context of the program was released by the club and will be used in three articles on The Daily Journal society page. This is the first of the series.) "In the plant world we have within one genus many species and a bewildering number of varieties. The dirt gardener, concerned with seed and soil, moisture and mulch, planting and propogating, has many interests to add zest to living and years to the life span. The arranger uses plant material as an artist uses paint and canvass to create a picture first conceived in the mind of the "To be a well rounded garden club member, one should know something of the origin and spread of plant life, as well as the legends, folklore, and history which are entwined. Two closely related books give interesting background knowledge for the horticulturalist, the arranger, and the interested reader.

"David Fairchild, author of "The World is in My spent many years collecting hew and unusual plant material from all over the world, in an attempt to find superior varieties of grains, fniits, and vegetables suitable for commercial culture. Many tropical plants and trees adapted to the climates of Florida and California are the results of his travels during the early part of this century. "Recently, the National Geographic published a companion book, "The World in Your traces the origin of both vegetables and ornamental plantsThe color plates are exquisite and the information is carefully "The history of flowers follows closely the history of mankind. To the thoughtful person, the flowers of today give us a sense of the past, a link reaching back into the dim unknown. In many places and among many people, flowers have played their part in the daily lives of people like ourselves.

Ever since God planted a garden eastward in Eden, man has tried to follow His plan and example. The legendary site of the Garden of Eden lies between the Tigris and the tax help. A "tree" or "standard" plant is a garden conversation piece. This one is a lantana. Plants grown in "tree" or "standard" form have, for generations, been as accents in the garden to center a' bed, line a path, guide the view to a distant point by the use of a far-off vertical plant.

There are many plants that can be grown as standards. Among the most popular nowadays are lantana and fuchsia. But heliotrope used to be a favorite and might be again, while the easiest plant to train in tree form is the geranium. Would you like to grow a geranium tree or perhaps two of them for accents in your garden? If so, select a strong, sturdy young plant that has a straight, preferably thick stem. Find a stake strong enough for support and several feet tall (so it doesn't have to be replaced as the plant grows) and place stake and plant in a pot one size larger than the plant is in.

Tie plant to stake, allowing space for stem growth. Remove all side shoots, leaving only the foliage at the top of the plant. As new buds sprout from the trunk, keep them from growing. Fertilize once a month, keep new stem growth tied to the stake. Water as necessary, allowing soil to become dry on top between waterings.

If roots become crowded, move stake and plant to a larger pot. In time your care will result in a sturdy stem with a mass of leaves and flowers on top a real conversation piece. It is better to keep the plant in the pot, moving it outdoors in summer, indoors in winter. Handled thus, it will become larger and lovelier each year. Coming Events; A chili or soup supper will be served Saturday, January 27 from 6 to 9 p.m.

in the basem*nt of St. Joseph Church in Bonne Terre, sponsored by the St. Vincent DePaul Society. Tickets are $1 and 75c. WATCH FOR THE A card of appreciation was read from the Bonne Terre Memorial Library for the book placed there in memory of Mrs.

Emily Miller. The winners of the Bonne Terre Garden Club Christmas decorating contest were announced. They were: first, the Don Shelby residence, 217 Street; second, the James Reynolds residence, 113 Street; and third, the Homer Bequette, Jr. residence at 154 Church St. Out of town judges for the contest were Mrs.

Phillip McGregor of Joplin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poston of Savannah, Georgia. Four petitions for membership were presented and they were elected. They are: Mrs.

Otis Watts, Mrs. John Brewer, Mrs. Arthur Butler, and Mrs. Sylvester Patterson The 1973 yearbooks were distributed, and the club voted to send Mrs. Sophia Sparks a card of thanks and the gift of a bird feeder as tokens of appreciation for her work in' making the attractive covers for the yearbook.

The club will study national parks this year. The first report was on Hot Springs National Park, which was prepared by Mrs. Vi Henderson. It was read by Mrs. L.


and Mrs. Marty Dailey of Farmington are the parents of their first child, a son, born January 22 at Farmington Community Hospital. He Weighed eight pounds and two ounces. He has been named Christopher Marty. The grandparents are Mrs.

Claude Burnia, Everett Dailey, East St. Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. Jessus Viesca of San Antonio, Texas. Glitter Jeans Gold lame comes out in the most unlikely fashion combination.

Lame is being used as evening jeans jackets which are worn over glitter tops and jeans. High-Rise Mates High-rise, wide-leg pants for daytime are a perfect mate with the short baseball or lumber jacket in bright plaids. FREE PITCHER With oil change, lube and filter or punch card completely filled out. Henry Block has 17 reasons why you should come to us Collect 9 Beautiful Pieces for income 8 Glasses 1 Pitcher COMPLETE CANDLE SELECTION HALLMARK EDITIONS ALBUMS SCRAP BOOKS PARTY FAVORS AND WKEN YOU CASE "1 Reason 2. We're human, and once in a great while we make a mistake.

But if our error means you must pay additional tax, you pay only the tax. We pay any interest or penalty. WWW '1 MU Balance 3 Wheels AT REGULAR PRICE Get Fourth Wheel Balanced FREE SPECIAL 10 OFF on all Goodyear All Weather IV Tires I 1 NOTICE: BONNE TERRE RESIDENTS By ordinance all automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles must display a 1973 City Vehicle License Feb. 1, 1973. The City Police Department will effect enforcement on Feb.

1. City Hall office will be open all day Sat. Jan. 27. Motorists please note that new stop signs have been installed on Main St.

at Church and School as well as on Fite St. at Jane St. By order of Police Department PLAZA AUTO SERVICE CENTER "THE GOODYEAR TIRE MART OF ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY" Double Eagle Stamps On Tuesday Gas, Oil Purchase 620 Potosi St. Farmington, Mo.

We Are an Authorized Safety Inspection Station THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 203 COLLEGE STREET Open a.m.-? p.m. weekdays, -S Sat. Phone l-274 OPEN TONIGHT NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY.

The Daily Journal from Flat River, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.