Ten-Year-Old Boy Thinks He Saved a Dog Until The Vet Tells Him The Truth (2024)

As James made his way home from school, he unexpectedly heard a dog struggling in the river. The animal was trying to get out of the rushing waters. James sprinted in the direction of the dog and rescued him from the dangerous spot. When James placed the dog back on the ground, the animal stayed completely still.

James was unable to understand what was wrong, but something strange was about to be revealed to him…

An Unusual Visit

Ten-Year-Old Boy Thinks He Saved a Dog Until The Vet Tells Him The Truth (1)

James noticed strange spots all over the dog's belly. Although he didn’t know what happened to the dog, it certainly didn’t seem good. James brought the dog back home with him and attempted to clean it up, but the spots still remained. Once his parents got home and saw the sick animal, they immediately decided to take the dog to the veterinarian.

The Vet Noticed The Spots

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The vet could tell right away that this dog was different compared to others he had seen in his career. This dog has a serious condition, but the vet is unable to identify it. This is something that he had never seen before. He makes the decision to run some tests on the dog. But where did the spots come from?

The Test Results

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The tests took a while, but eventually the results were available. Given how the dog appeared, the vet was already aware that his diagnosis wouldn’t be good. After logging in, he scanned the results and suddenly went pale. He immediately dialed the police after seeing something he had never seen before.

James was totally baffled. Why did the veterinarian call the cops? What would happen to the dog? James had so many questions running through his mind.

Where Did You Find This Dog?

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The vet inquired about how James found the dog while the police were en route. James claimed that he heard some strange noises as he was making his way home from school. He knew that the sounds were coming from the nearby river. He thought that someone was in need of some help.

The Dog

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James made the decision to investigate the source of the noise. He got closer to the river and noticed a dog stuck in some of its branches. The poor dog was unable to escape from the water. James made a decision to act without hesitating.

He Got In The Water

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James watched the fearful dog as he nearly drowned. James jumped into the river to save the dog without even stopping to think about what he was doing. He then realized that it would be difficult to free the dog while he was in the river.

Release The Dog

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The branches had completely trapped the dog. James finally succeeded in freeing the dog after a ton of effort. The poor dog was exhausted when he pulled it out of the water. The dog wouldn't move when he tried to put it on the ground, and then James witnessed something incredibly shocking.

Strange Spots

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When James and the dog were out of the water, James immediately noticed some weird spots on the dog's belly. He had never seen a dog with these strange stains before, so he decided to help this harmless dog. James took the dog with him to his house.

Maybe A Bath Will Help

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Once James arrived home, he thought he might get the spots off by cleaning him. But after cleaning the dog, the stains still had not disappeared. James did not know what could possibly be causing them, so he decided to search for answers on the internet.

His Parents Are Shocked

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James was suddenly surprised when his parents came home. They saw the dog laying in his bed, and it did not look healthy at all. They became very angry with James for bringing a dog in that condition into the house. The dog was obviously not welcome in his parents' house.

They Refuse To Help

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James's parents were not happy with this situation in their home. They didn't want to see a filthy dog with a serious illnesses on their bed. They just didn't want him in the house. James felt helpless because he couldn't just put the dog back on the street in this state.

They Gave In

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James started to beg his parents to help the poor dog. He explained that he found the dog all stuck in the branches of the river and nobody was helping him. The parents saw how much James cared about the dog and finally gave in and decided to help James.

No Answers

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James and his parents both went searching on the Internet but couldn't find anything on the Internet similar to what the dog had. James kept insisting on helping the dog. James' father, Rick, then decided to take him to the vet so he could take a look.

To The Vet

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They went to the vet at high speed, as the dog's condition worsened during the drive. They had to get there quickly because this dog needed to get help and be saved from his unbearable pain. Rick drove as fast as he could, ignoring possible speeding tickets.

An Emergency Appointment

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They rushed to the vet. Once they arrived, the vet’s assistant told them that they had to make an appointment. Rick explained that the dog was in terrible condition and needed help right away. When the vet’s assistant saw the weird spots on the dog, she understood the urgency and called the vet.

Emergency Exam

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The vet came into the office and immediately saw that this dog needed help now. He asked James where this dog came from, and James explained where he found it. The vet didn’t hesitate and grabbed his gear and began examining the dog.

Something Serious

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The vet has had a lot of experience after years of helping dogs, but he was shocked when he saw the strange spots on the dog's belly. In all these years, he had never seen something like this before. He told Rick that this could be something very bad…

He Couldn’t Figure Out a Diagnosis

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After doing several tests on the dog, he could not get any solid results about what could be wrong with him. The vet told James and his parents that he has to do some special tests on the dog to find out what it is suffering from.

More Tests

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The vet took the dog to the lab to do some special examinations. After a while, the vet returned to James and his parents and told them that the results should take a few days to get. When James went to pick up the dog, the vet told him the dog was not allowed to leave the lab…

The Results Are In

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James and his parents were confused about why the dog was not allowed to come home, but they accepted the vet’s request. A few days later, Rick received a call from the vet, who said, “You need to come back immediately, the results are in.” Rick called his wife Emma and told her to pick up James from school, they had to go to the vet immediately. Emma became a little bit nervous about why they all had to come to see the vet…

A Serious Problem

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When James and his parents arrived at the veterinary clinic, they immediately knew something was seriously wrong. They saw people walking by in white hazmat suits, and the vet looked very severe. He said “We have a serious problem.”


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The vet asked several questions to James and his parents. The questions were quite weird; they were more about where James found the dog rather than the results of the tests. The vet ended the questioning by saying that he needed to call the police if James didn’t cooperate.

They Didn’t Believe James

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James told only the truth; however, the vet still called the police, and once they arrived, James had to go to the police station for further questioning. James was terrified by the idea of being arrested. He did not understand why this was all happening to him.

Please Don’t Take Him!

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James’ parents started crying and begging the police officers to not take him to the police station. What did he do wrong here? He is just a 10-year-old boy who found a dog and tried to help him. He shouldn’t be arrested for doing a kind favor for the dog…

To The Police Station

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Unfortunately, the begging and crying of James’ parents didn’t help, and James was put in the police car to be taken to the station for questioning. He looked at his parents with fear in his eyes when he was driving off. James' parents stood there helpless, watching their son be taken away.

He Was Taken Away

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James had never been in a police car and was impressed by what it looked like, but he was especially scared of the feeling of being arrested. He started to ask all sorts of questions to the police officers about why he had to leave the vet without his parents, but he did not get any answers.

Good Cop, Bad Cop

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Once at the police station, they treated James like a criminal. They were stern and walked him into the interrogation room. No questions were asked, and people looked at James with serious expressions, despite his age. He was sitting alone in a dark, creepy room when someone finally came in to talk to him.

Where Did You Find This Dog?

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An officer came into the interrogation room and started asking James questions. He was mostly asking about where he found the dog and what his connection was with it. James explained that he found him on his way back home from school and he had never seen the dog before. He felt like he had said this over 100 times by now…

They Kept Questioning Him

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The police were very aggressive in their questioning. Then one of the officers noticed that James was very scared. The police decided to be open about the situation with James because they no longer saw him as a suspect. When James heard the reason why the dog was in this critical state, he was shocked…

Who Did This?

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Within the last few months, the police found a lot of dogs in the same condition as James’ dog. These dogs seem to have been fed certain substances that should make them better fighting dogs. However, these substances make the dog sick, and most of the time, they end up dead.

Their First Clue

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To find out who was doing this to these dogs, the police opened a case. This serious crime needed to be solved, but it turned out to be very challenging. After months of searching, they finally found their first clue.

Time To Take Action

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For months the police were looking for the criminal organization that was responsible for the torture of these poor dogs. The police had a suspect in sight: Cray Johnson. Recent operations had led the police towards Cray Johson, but this time they had the evidence to take action…

Their Top Suspect

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The leader of the criminal organization was called Cray Johnson, aka Crazy-Johnson. He was a well-known figure in the underworld. He was detained several times for various felonies. They feared him greatly in the streets of the city.

They Had No Evidence

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The police strongly suspected that Cray Johnson and his gang were responsible for the death of the dogs. Until now, the police had no evidence of the whereabouts of the dog fighting and also no evidence to arrest the criminal organization lead by Cray Johnson. But James' dog might lead to a breakthrough in the case, as it was the first dog they found who was alive…

What’s Next?

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The extreme story of “Crazy” Johnson shocked James. How could he treat these adorable dogs like this? It was sick, he thought. James eventually came up with a plan, which surprised the officers because it wasn't actually half bad. They even decided to follow up on it.

His Plan

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The police decided to provide the dog with a GPS tracker. The idea was to leave the dog in the center of the criminal organization to lure out “Crazy” Johnson. They would have to take the dog back to the fight. The police would then be able to track the GPS of the dog to the fighting event and catch them in the act.

Taking Action

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The plan was put into action, and the dog was given a GPS tracker before being dropped off near Cray Johnson’s house, where he was active. They hoped the dog would be noticed and be taken by a member of Cray's entourage.

They Waited

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The police waited for a few hours, but nothing happened. But then, finally, they saw Cray heading outside. Immediately Cray spotted the dog and confusion washed over his face. Cray picked up the dog and took it inside. Now it was a waiting game. Would Cray take the dog with him to the fighting event?

They Noticed Movement On The GPS

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It took a while before the police saw some significant movement on the GPS tracker. It went to several locations, most of which appeared familiar to the police. But one location was in the middle of nowhere which was quite suspicious…

Following His Location

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The police thought he would move on, but the GPS signal remained at the same place. Fifteen minutes later the police decided to take action, as they suggested it might actually be the fight's location. The police were shocked when they came closer to the GPS location…

They Showed Up

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The police arrived at the scene and discovered that there was no area where dog fights were taking place. However, they noticed Cray talking to someone else in a car with the dog. A deal appeared to be in progress. The police decided to take action.

Taking Him Down

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The police saw that Cray was involved in an illegal deal involving illicit substances and decided to arrest him. Even though that was enough to put Cray away, there was more to his story. The police were still keen to take down the whole criminal organization to prevent further harm to the poor dogs in the city.


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Cray Johnson was put into an interrogation room so the police could start asking questions about the dog fighting event. At first, Cray did not see a reason to help the police, as he would never snitch on his team. But when the police put pressure on Cray and told him how long he would sit in jail if he was found guilty, he started to talk…

He Confessed

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Cray told the police he would only cooperate if he got a reduced sentence. The police thought about this for a long time. They decided to agree to Cray's request to end the dog fighting. Cray told the police everything they should know to put an end to this nightmare.

Ready For Action

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The team was being prepared by police for the raid on the dog fighting grounds as they lined up. The police had waited months for this, and everyone could not wait to handcuff these serious criminals. The police cars were prepared and ready for the operation.

Many Criminals Were Involved

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In the end, they drove to 5 different locations. This is obviously a largely scaled operation, which involved a lot of police officers. They took down 2 criminal organizations, and 56 people were sent to jail. But what about the dogs?

Taking The Dogs To The Vet

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During the operation, the police found 120 dogs. They all went to the vet in order to try to heal all of them. It would take the vet a lot of time to help all of these dogs, but that was not an issue for him. The dog from James got special attention because he was so crucial in this entire police investigation.

The Police Showed Up

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A few days had gone by, and James had not heard anything from the police. They told his parents that it was normal procedure and that they would take it over from here. But today, the doorbell rang. James opened the door and saw the police standing there.


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The police wanted to tell James that they had caught the criminals responsible for all of this and that they had a small surprise. It was the dog James found in the river. The vet healed the dog, and James was allowed to keep him!

The events of this story are entirely fictional and are products of the author’s imagination. Images included are meant for illustration purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

Ten-Year-Old Boy Thinks He Saved a Dog Until The Vet Tells Him The Truth (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.