Statistics About The Most Liquid Futures • Gitnux (2024)

The Latest Most Liquid Futures Explained

The most traded futures contract globally is E-mini S&P 500, with a daily trading volume averaging at 1.6 million contracts.

The statistic indicates that the E-mini S&P 500 futures contract is the most actively traded futures contract on a global scale, with an average daily trading volume of 1.6 million contracts. This suggests a high level of liquidity and market interest in this specific futures contract, reflecting its popularity among traders and investors worldwide. The E-mini S&P 500 futures contract is based on the performance of the S&P 500 index, which is a leading indicator of the broader U.S. stock market. The high trading volume of this particular futures contract signifies that it plays a crucial role in hedging against market risks, speculating on market movements, and managing portfolios, making it a key instrument in the global financial markets.

The CME Group’s WTI crude oil futures contract is among the most liquid futures contracts worldwide, with a daily trading volume of approximately 1.2 million contracts.

The statistic indicates that the WTI crude oil futures contract offered by the CME Group is highly traded and liquid in the global futures market. A daily trading volume of approximately 1.2 million contracts signifies a high level of market participation and interest in this particular futures product. Liquidity in a futures contract is important as it reflects the ease at which traders can buy or sell the contract without significantly affecting its price. The high liquidity of the WTI crude oil futures contract means that traders can execute their trades quickly and efficiently, making it attractive for speculators, hedgers, and other market participants looking to manage risk or capitalize on price movements in the crude oil market.

As of 2021, Natural gas futures traded about 400,000 contracts per day.

The statistic states that as of 2021, the trading volume for natural gas futures reached approximately 400,000 contracts per day. This information suggests the level of market activity and interest in natural gas futures among investors and traders. A high trading volume for natural gas futures implies that there is active participation in the market, with a large number of contracts being bought and sold each day. The volume of trading can be influenced by factors such as market volatility, economic conditions, geopolitical events, and weather patterns that impact the supply and demand dynamics of natural gas. Overall, the statistic highlights the significance of natural gas futures as a key financial instrument and reflects the level of engagement in this particular commodity market.

The daily trading volume of gold futures contracts typically exceeds 200,000 contracts.

The statistic stating that the daily trading volume of gold futures contracts typically exceeds 200,000 contracts indicates the level of trading activity in the gold futures market. Gold futures are financial instruments that allow investors to speculate on the future price of gold. A trading volume exceeding 200,000 contracts per day implies a high level of liquidity and interest in gold futures trading. This level of activity suggests that there is a significant number of market participants actively buying and selling gold futures on a daily basis, which can contribute to price discovery and market efficiency in the gold trading sector.

Soybean futures are among the most liquid agricultural futures contracts, with a daily volume of over 100,000 contracts in 2021.

This statistic indicates that soybean futures contracts are highly traded and widely considered to be one of the most liquid agricultural futures contracts in the market. The daily volume of over 100,000 contracts in 2021 suggests that there is a significant level of activity and interest in trading soybean futures, with a large number of contracts changing hands on a daily basis. High liquidity in a futures contract means that there is ample opportunity for traders to enter and exit positions easily without significantly impacting the market price, making soybean futures a popular choice among investors and speculators looking for efficient and potentially profitable trading opportunities in the agricultural commodities market.

The average daily trading volume of Eurodollar futures contracts is more than 2 million.

The statistic stating that the average daily trading volume of Eurodollar futures contracts is more than 2 million indicates that there is significant liquidity and market activity in these financial instruments. This high level of trading volume suggests that Eurodollar futures are actively traded and attract a large number of market participants. Increased trading volume generally implies greater market depth and efficiency, as well as a higher level of investor interest and confidence in the Eurodollar futures market. This statistic is an important indicator for investors and traders assessing the market dynamics and opportunities in Eurodollar futures contracts.

The e-mini NASDAQ-100 index futures are frequently traded with a daily volume often reaching over 500,000 contracts.

This statistic indicates that the e-mini NASDAQ-100 index futures are highly popular and actively traded in the financial markets, as evidenced by the significant daily trading volume exceeding 500,000 contracts. The e-mini NASDAQ-100 index futures are a type of financial derivative that allows traders to speculate on the future value of the NASDAQ-100 index. The high trading volume suggests that there is considerable interest and participation from investors and traders in these futures contracts, which can be attributed to factors such as liquidity, volatility, and the popularity of the underlying NASDAQ-100 index. The large volume of trading also indicates that these futures contracts may offer opportunities for both risk management and speculation in the financial markets.

Corn futures typically see a daily volume of around 175,000 contracts.

The statistic “Corn futures typically see a daily volume of around 175,000 contracts” indicates that on an average trading day, about 175,000 contracts involving corn futures are bought and sold in the market. This volume reflects the level of activity and interest in trading corn futures among market participants. A higher daily volume suggests a more active and liquid market for corn futures, enabling traders to enter and exit positions more easily. Understanding the daily volume of trading in corn futures can provide insights into market sentiment, price movements, and overall market dynamics within the agricultural commodities sector.

On average, approximately 50,000 U.S. Treasury Bond futures contracts are traded daily on the Chicago Board of Trade.

The statistic indicates that, on a typical day, around 50,000 U.S. Treasury Bond futures contracts are exchanged on the Chicago Board of Trade. This level of trading activity reflects a significant volume of transactions in this financial instrument, suggesting a high level of liquidity and market interest. The trading of U.S. Treasury Bond futures contracts can be influenced by various factors such as economic indicators, interest rate movements, and market sentiment towards government debt securities. Monitoring the daily trading volume can provide insights into market dynamics, investor sentiments, and potential future price movements in U.S. Treasury Bonds.

The Euro FX futures contract is one of the most liquid currency futures contracts, with a daily trading volume of typically over 150,000 contracts.

This statistic indicates that the Euro FX futures contract is highly traded and liquid, with a daily volume of typically over 150,000 contracts. Liquidity refers to the ease of buying or selling an asset without significantly impacting its price. The high trading volume suggests there is a high level of market activity and interest in this particular futures contract, making it easier for traders to enter and exit positions at desired prices. A liquid market like this can provide better pricing and lower transaction costs for traders, as well as increased efficiency and stability in the overall market.

Copper futures often have a daily trading volume greater than 100,000 contracts.

The statistic “Copper futures often have a daily trading volume greater than 100,000 contracts” indicates that the market for copper futures experiences significant trading activity on a daily basis. A daily trading volume of over 100,000 contracts suggests a high level of liquidity and interest in copper futures among investors and traders. This level of trading volume typically reflects a market with ample opportunities for buying and selling contracts, which may attract both speculators and hedgers looking to manage their exposure to price fluctuations in the copper market. Overall, the statistic highlights the dynamic nature of the copper futures market and the substantial trading interest it garners on a daily basis.

The AUD/USD futures contract is one of the most liquid currency futures contracts, having a daily trading volume of approximately 80,000 contracts.

The statistic indicates that the AUD/USD futures contract is highly traded and actively exchanged in the financial markets. With a daily trading volume of around 80,000 contracts, this futures contract demonstrates high liquidity, meaning that there are a significant number of buyers and sellers willing to trade at any given time. High liquidity is often seen as a positive characteristic, as it can lead to tighter bid-ask spreads and lower trading costs for participants. The popularity of the AUD/USD futures contract suggests that it is actively used by investors and traders looking to hedge against or speculate on movements in the Australian dollar relative to the US dollar.

The average daily volume of the Japanese Yen futures is around 90,000 contracts making it a highly liquid futures market.

The statement indicates that the Japanese Yen futures market is highly liquid based on an average daily trading volume of around 90,000 contracts. Liquidity in a futures market refers to the ease and speed at which an asset can be bought or sold without significantly affecting its price. A high trading volume suggests there are numerous participants actively buying and selling contracts, reducing the impact of any single transaction on market prices. In the case of the Japanese Yen futures market, the substantial daily volume of contracts indicates it is highly liquid, providing traders with ample opportunities to enter and exit positions at competitive prices without experiencing significant price fluctuations.

Over 80,000 contracts are usually traded daily in the live cattle futures market.

The statistic “Over 80,000 contracts are usually traded daily in the live cattle futures market” signifies the significant level of trading activity and liquidity present in this particular market. Each contract represents a standardized agreement to buy or sell a certain quantity of live cattle at a specified price in the future, providing investors and traders with the opportunity to speculate on or hedge against price movements in the live cattle market. With over 80,000 contracts changing hands on a daily basis, it indicates a high level of market participation, which can lead to improved price discovery, tighter bid-ask spreads, and increased efficiency in risk management for market participants involved in live cattle trading and related industries.

More than 50,000 soybean meal contracts are traded daily, making it a very liquid market.

This statistic indicates that over 50,000 contracts of soybean meal are traded on a daily basis, highlighting the high level of trading activity and liquidity in the market. Liquidity refers to how easily and quickly an asset can be bought or sold without significantly impacting its price. In this context, the large number of daily contracts traded suggests that there are a significant number of buyers and sellers actively participating in the market, allowing for efficient price discovery and minimizing the potential impact of large trades on market prices. This liquidity is beneficial for traders and investors, as it provides them with ample opportunities to enter and exit positions with minimal transaction costs and price slippage.

The daily trading volume of the Palladium futures contract usually exceeds 5,000 contracts.

The statistic that “the daily trading volume of the Palladium futures contract usually exceeds 5,000 contracts” indicates that on a typical day, there are more than 5,000 contracts of Palladium futures being bought and sold in the market. This suggests that there is significant interest and activity in trading Palladium futures, potentially indicating a liquid market with ample opportunities for market participants to enter and exit positions. A higher trading volume generally implies more market participants and can be a sign of a healthy and active market for Palladium futures. Additionally, it may suggest that there is sufficient liquidity for traders to execute their trades without significant price impact.

Roughly 25,000 Euro Bund futures contracts are traded daily on Eurex Exchange.

The statistic “Roughly 25,000 Euro Bund futures contracts are traded daily on Eurex Exchange” indicates the average daily trading volume of Euro Bund futures contracts on the Eurex Exchange. Euro Bund futures are financial derivative contracts that represent the future value of German government bonds with specific maturities. A trading volume of 25,000 contracts per day suggests a significant level of liquidity and market activity in Euro Bund futures, highlighting the popularity of these contracts among investors and traders. This statistic can serve as an important indicator of market sentiment, price discovery, and overall market efficiency in the European government bond market.

NYMEX Platinum futures contracts typically have a daily volume of over 10,000 contracts.

The statistic ‘NYMEX Platinum futures contracts typically have a daily volume of over 10,000 contracts’ indicates that there is a high level of trading activity in the NYMEX Platinum futures market. A volume of over 10,000 contracts per day suggests significant liquidity and interest from market participants in trading platinum futures. This information can be important for traders, investors, and analysts who follow the platinum market as high trading volumes can impact price movements, market dynamics, and overall market sentiment. Additionally, it reflects a level of market activity that may provide opportunities for trading and hedging strategies in the platinum futures market.

Approximately 30,000 Brent Crude Oil futures contracts are traded daily on ICE.

The statistic that approximately 30,000 Brent Crude Oil futures contracts are traded daily on the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) provides insight into the high level of trading activity in this particular commodity market. Brent Crude Oil is a widely-traded global benchmark for oil prices, representing oil produced in the North Sea. The high trading volume of 30,000 contracts daily on ICE indicates significant market liquidity and interest from investors and traders in speculating on the future price movements of Brent Crude Oil. This data point is important for market participants and analysts to gauge the level of trading activity and overall market sentiment surrounding Brent Crude Oil futures contracts on a daily basis.

The daily trading volume for the Dow Jones Industrial Average futures typically exceeds 75,000 contracts.

The statistic suggests that on a typical day, the number of contracts traded for Dow Jones Industrial Average futures exceeds 75,000. This implies a significant level of liquidity and trading activity in the futures market for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, a leading benchmark index of the U.S. stock market. A higher trading volume generally indicates more interest and participation from investors and traders, which can reflect market depth, efficiency, and potentially reduced transaction costs. This statistic provides insights into the level of market activity and participation in trading the Dow Jones Industrial Average futures, which can be important for assessing market trends and sentiment.


The most liquid futures play a crucial role in the financial markets, offering traders and investors ample opportunities for quick and efficient transactions. By understanding and utilizing the most liquid futures contracts, market participants can enhance their investment strategies and manage risks more effectively. With proper research and analysis, one can leverage the liquidity of these futures to achieve their financial goals.


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Statistics About The Most Liquid Futures • Gitnux (2024)


What is the most liquid futures in the world? ›

The most traded futures contract globally is E-mini S&P 500, with a daily trading volume averaging at 1.6 million contracts. The CME Group's WTI crude oil futures contract is among the most liquid futures contracts worldwide, with a daily trading volume of approximately 1.2 million contracts.

What are the most liquid equity index futures? ›

E-mini S&P 500, Nasdaq-100, Russell 2000 and Dow ($5) futures are among the most liquid, actively traded equity index contracts available.

Which futures is most profitable? ›

What futures are most profitable? Trading in futures markets such as the Micro E-Mini Russell 2000 (M2K), Micro E-Mini S&P 500 (MES), Micro E-Mini Dow (MYM), and Micro E-Micro FX contracts can be highly profitable due to their distinct market characteristics.

Why are futures so liquid? ›

Futures are standardized and traded on regulated exchanges, making them highly transparent and liquid. Futures trading involves leverage and margin requirements, which can amplify both profits and losses.

What is the world's largest traded commodity? ›

Crude oil ranks as one of the most traded commodities in the world. Commodity traders who had taken long positions on crude oil last year made a lot of money. Crude oil prices decreased in 2020 as a result of COVID-19 and the consequent global lockdowns. However, the rate of immunisations increased in 2021.

What is the largest futures exchange in the world? ›

Chicago has the largest future exchange in the world, the CME Group.

What is the most liquid index? ›

What are the 5 most traded indices?
  • S&P 500. The Standard & Poor's 500, otherwise known as the S&P 500, is an American stock market index based on the market capitalisation of the largest 500 companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the NASDAQ. ...
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average. ...
  • FTSE 100. ...
  • NASDAQ 100. ...
  • DAX 30.
Dec 10, 2018

What is the largest most liquid market? ›

Forex is the largest and most liquid market in the world.

What are the most liquid Eurex futures? ›

The most liquid products are the EURO STOXX 50® futures and options and they are the most actively traded EUR-denominated index derivatives. EURO STOXX® 50 index derivatives are perfectly suited for hedging and enhancing the performance of equity portfolios.

Which commodity has the highest liquidity? ›

Crude oil leads the pack as the most liquid commodity futures market followed by corn and natural gas. Agricultural futures tend to generate the highest volume during periods of low stress in the energy pits, while gold futures have gone through boom and bust cycles that greatly impact open interest.

Who is the worlds best futures trader? ›

Best Futures Traders in the History of Futures Trading
  • Richard Dennis and the Turtle Traders. ...
  • Paul Tudor Jones. ...
  • Ed Seykota. ...
  • Bruce Kovner. ...
  • Larry Williams. ...
  • The Lessons from the Legends.
Feb 25, 2024

What futures have the most volatility? ›

Among the most volatile commodities, energy sources like crude oil and natural gas stand out. Their prices can be highly sensitive to geopolitical events, changes in regulatory policies, technological advancements, and shifts in supply and demand.

What are the most liquid indices futures? ›

E-mini S&P 500 futures (/ES) are the most actively traded U.S. equity index futures contract, with 1.81 million contracts changing hands on average each day during 2023, according to the CME Group's exchange data.

Which is more liquid futures or forwards? ›

While futures are highly liquid, forwards are typically low on liquidity. ETF Futures are typically more active in segments, like stocks, indices, currencies and commodities, while OTC Forwards usually sees larger participation in currency and commodity segments.

Are futures more liquid than ETFs? ›

For liquidity, future contracts are more liquid than ETFs; for example, the E-mini S&P 500 trades daily on average more than the total existing ETFs globally.

What is the most liquid currency futures? ›

The G10 contracts, the E-mini and the E-Micro contracts are the most heavily traded and have the greatest liquidity.

Which futures contract has the most volume? ›

Most Active
ETM24S&P 500 Micro33,018
HEM24Lean Hogs32,365
LEM24Live Cattle31,804
ZFM245-Year T-Note25,720
12 more rows

Which futures are the most volatile? ›

Energy Commodities: Crude Oil and Natural Gas

Among the most volatile commodities, energy sources like crude oil and natural gas stand out. Their prices can be highly sensitive to geopolitical events, changes in regulatory policies, technological advancements, and shifts in supply and demand.


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