How To Read Meghan Quinn Books In Order (2024) (2024)

2013Toxic (1)musicians/band romance3.9“You’re an addiction I can’t overcome, no matter how hard I try.” – Rook Tyler

His life consists of his best friend, Jack Daniels, his favorite drug of choice and women. Rook Tyler lives for performing at night and wasting the rest of his days washing away the pain from his childhood so he doesn’t have to feel anything...ever. The only people he trusts are his band mates from Shattered Souls and he wants to keep it that way. His life was completely under control and simple until he heard the voice of Maisy Madison filter through The Tavern speakers.

Growing up in the foster care system with her two other band mates from Twisted Perfection, Maisy finds herself doing pretty much anything to get her and her band noticed but nothing seems to be working. One lucky night, Shattered Souls, the most popular band in the country, decides to show up at their little concert and luckily signs them on the spot. But the arena venues and massive amount of fans isn’t what has Maisy shaking in her heels. It’s the deep baritone voice of Rook Tyler that has haunted her dreams for years which has her wondering if she can actually go through with the tour.

The force is almost too strong. He can feel her everywhere he goes and no matter how much he tries to resist her, he finds himself gravitating towards Maisy, wanting to hold her, kiss her and touch her. He knows he shouldn’t get involved. He knows no matter what, he will end up hurting her but he can’t help it, his soul is connected to hers and the pull is too strong for him to resist.

Rook warned her time and time again but she doesn’t listen, she doesn’t want to listen. She needs him and she doesn’t care that she knows deep down in her heart that their relationship is going to end in disaster.She refuses to acknowledge that no matter what they do, their love is toxic.

Amazon 2015Fame (2)musicians/band romance4.1The moment you think everything is perfect in your life, it can all come tumbling down on top of you.

Shattered Souls hasn’t seen each other in months. Deception and ghosts from the past have torn them apart, leading them their separate ways. When they realize they need to solve their differences and get back together for the sake of the band, they can’t find their lead singer, Rook Tyler, who’s been missing for months
Twisted Perfection is just coming off the high of yet another tour but this time, they weren’t riding the coat tails of Shattered Souls. Even though they’ve become more popular, all of the success from the last tour means nothing to Maisy as she continues to struggle daily from the loss of Rook.

Fame finds both of the bands but sometimes, it can be lonely at the top. Both bands realize if they want to succeed, they have to drop their differences and join together, but it’s never that easy. Lovers, drugs, people’s pasts and death get in the way, while they try to travel down the bumpy road toward fame.

2017Co-Wrecker (1)workplace romance3.9What do ice cream and Sadie Montgomery have in common? They're both ice cold, but one taste is never enough.

I wanted to be friends — I would have even settled for her seeing me as anything but a nerd — but there was no getting through. So just like any hard-headed, red-blooded man out there, I made up my mind.

I’d make my coworker fall for me.

I’d like to say it was simple, but like every other epic love story, all it took was one drunken night and a lot of naked courage to get the girl. For a moment, at least.

Love with a coworker is never simple, especially since Sadie’s trying to keep us on the low. Not to mention her persistent ex-boyfriend who won’t leave her alone. But I’ve never been good at giving up, and I don’t plan to start now.

The whole thing is a recipe for a rocky road, but I plan to eat the whole gallon, no matter how bad the brain freeze.

Amazon 2017My Best Friend's Ex (2)forced proximity
friends to lovers4.2When I found an eviction notice taped on my apartment door, I had two options: find a comfortable cardboard box to call home, or move in with Tucker Jameson.

Seeing that cardboard makes me feel itchy, I chose the latter. Which shouldn't be that big of a deal since Tucker is one of my good friends. And because he's still pining after his ex-girlfriend and I'm trying to finish my nursing degree, there is nothing to worry about in the romance department, making my last semester an easy one to conquer.

Boy, was I wrong.

Rules are set, dinners are made, conversations are had, and a shirtless, swoony roommate walks around in nothing but a pair of black briefs, ruining me for every other man.

Before I know it, I turn into a panting, lust-filled woman begging for Tucker to kiss me, touch me, and show me exactly what is hiding under those briefs.

But with great org*sms, comes great consequences.

Tucker might be my friend and roommate but he’s also my best friend's ex-boyfriend, making him completely off-limits. At least that's what my brain is telling me, my heart is speaking an entirely different language.

Amazon 2017Tangled Twosome (3)enemies to lovers4.3Racer McKay is a broody bastard.

From the moment I met him, he’s been rude, irritable, and unbearable. And worse? He's broke.

A contractor working to remodel my parents pool house for extra cash, he stomps around in those clunky construction boots with his tool belt wrapped around his narrow waist, and a chip on his shoulder.

Racer McKay is also infuriatingly . . . sexy as hell. I want to take that pencil tucked behind his ear, and draw lazy lines slowly up and down his body all the while wanting to strangle him at the same time.

We try to stay out of each other’s way . . . that is until I have no other option but to ask for his help.

But what I don’t realize is he needs me just as much as I need him. I have money he’s desperate for, and he holds the key to making my dreams come true.

Our pranks turn from sarcastic banter, to sexual tension and lust-filled glances. Bickering matches quickly morph into slow burn moments. We’re hot, we’re cold. We push and pull. I need him, I don’t want him. We’re on the verge of combusting with an agreement dangling dangerously between us. Neither one of us can afford to lose one another and yet, we’re finding it quite hard to decipher the line that rests between love and hate.

Amazon 2017The Other Brother (4)second chance
love triangle
small town4.3I got the call. The dreaded call every child fears. My dad wasn’t well, and the man who had always been my everything needed me.

There was only one thing to do; pack up and head back to my small hometown. I had finally made my dream life in the city with the great job and loving boyfriend. But was there really a choice not to go?

I found a wonderful job, a quaint house to rent, my boyfriend was working on joining me in Binghamton, and my favorite pizza place was only miles away. Life was good.

Until I met my neighbor.

It's been three years since I'd seen Aaron Walters, and my God is he all kinds of sexy gorgeous. Figures. He was supposed to be my forever, the man I grew old with, but he had different plans. How can a man who ripped my heart apart still trip me up? How can he make me still want him now more than ever?

I’m tempted, I’m drawn toward him, I’m completely and utterly unaware that I’m dating his biological brother.

Now two men own my heart. The question is, which brother will I choose?

Amazon 2018The Upside of Falling Line (1)military4.2Tucked away at the base of the Rocky Mountains lived a little boy with one singular dream: leave this broken and battered home and become someone.

Be somebody’s hero.

That boy was me—Colby Brooks. Except I’m not that same little boy anymore.
My dreams might still be the same, but my reality isn’t.

I’m smarter. Stronger. A man.

And I learned a long damn time ago, the only way to achieve my dreams was to avoid distractions—at any cost.

Focus. Resolve. Determination.

But all it took was one single night. One night and my entire life…changed.

One night had me colliding head first with the biggest distraction of my life; Rory Oaks.

Smart. Charming. Beautiful.

Rory changed everything.

Quickly, my one-track mind started to bend.

Each kiss faded decade-long dreams.

And with one single incident, I fly off course.

Amazon 2018The Downside of Love Line (2)military4.1This isn’t a story about a love triangle. There is no triangle involved.
This isn’t a story about an accidental pregnancy. Although having a baby with her . . . I would.
This isn’t a story about lies and deception, even though at times I’ve lied to myself.

No, this is my story.

A story about sacrifice.
A story about a man who fell in love with the wrong girl.
A story I wish I never had to tell.

This is a story about the true meaning of the downside of love.

Amazon 2014Bourbon Sins (1)erotica4.1On the streets of New Orleans, sins are committed every night.

My name is Jett Colby and I save tarnished souls.

In the downtown, under the glittery lights of Bourbon Street, I found her in cheap lingerie, flaunting her body for callous men and money.

From the lace of her cheap lingerie, to her garter belt, I knew she had to be saved.

She had to be mine.

Broke and destitute with no way of out, she had no choice but to come to me and into my club.

She had no other choice but to become a Jett Girl.

But see, that’s the thing about this city; you might think that under the dazzling lights and illusion of salvation, she’s the one that needed saving.

When the glitter fades and the dirt is washed away, the one worth saving just might be me.

Amazon 2014Bourbon Deceit (2)erotica4.3The walls of my club hold many secrets. Depravity. Sin. Justice.
Come in; debauchery can be yours for the cost of a lap dance and a night of pleasure.
And I own every last part of it.
But she’s my weakness, and thankfully she followed me through the insolvent streets of New Orleans, giving me her loyalty and her heart.
My desire for her dominates my every thought, but my broken past could destroy us.
There are people trying to bring me down.
Two malicious men stand in the way of what I want: to own it all.
It’s either Lot 17 or Goldie, my Jett Girl.
I have to make a choice and for once, it won’t be easy.Amazon 2015Bourbon Kingdom (3)erotica4.3Under the neon lights of Bourbon, money is everything.
Justice, faith, and power. They’re the key to my empire and she holds them all in the palm of her hand. Falling for her was a mistake; she stole my heart and consumed me. I was addicted, and she left me weak and vulnerable to my enemies.
They’re everywhere.
Now she’s gone, turning to my enemy’s business partner; the man I’ve hated my entire life. She said she’s protecting me. She said it won’t be forever.
But how can I believe her?
Lies, deceit and deception. They’re the sins driving us apart.
In a city that never sleeps—in a place where scandal hides behind every dark corner, my Jett girl might never be mine again.Amazon 2015Bourbon Truths (4)redemption4.4Every choice you make in life comes with a consequence.

I was once on top, I was the professional boxer to be afraid of. I had everything I could possibly hope for. I was happy, satisfied, content . . . until one night.

One off day.

One wrong reaction.

I killed a man. The sound, the blood, the stagnant air, it’s forever imprinted in my mind and now dictates the way I live my life.

Desolate with nothing but my penance to pay, I didn’t expect to have my world flipped upside down when Lyla seductively strutted into my life.

I want her. I need her. I crave her.

But I don’t deserve her.

People like to celebrate the day they were born, I like to celebrate the day my soul died.

This is my story of repentance.

Amazon 2021A Not So Meet Cute Brothers (1)fake dating
enemies to lovers4.1How did you two meet?

The quintessential question asked to every couple. And the answer is usually some bubbly, lovey dovey tale of being struck in the bum by Cupid’s arrow.

My meet cute (well not so meet cute) is slightly different. I was trolling a wealthy neighborhood in Beverly Hills, searching for someone to take me as their bride, you know, to make my arch nemesis jealous who consequently just fired me.

He was stomping around the block like some sort of gorgeous ogre, mumbling about a business deal gone wrong and attempting to finagle his way out of it.

And that’s when we bumped into each other.

There were no sparks.

Not even a hint of blossoming love.

But next thing I knew, I was scarfing down free chips and guac, listening to this man lay out all of his problems which led to his big ask . . . he wanted me to be his Vivian Ward, you know, from Pretty Woman--minus the frisky behavior.

We’re talking about living in a mansion, intimate double dates, and pretending we were head over heels in love . . . and engaged. Can you imagine?

The absolute audacity.

But people do crazy things when they’re desperate. And I reeked of desperation. So, I struck up a deal.

My one big mistake, though . . . big . . . HUGE? I accidentally fell for the incomparable Huxley Cane.

Amazon 2022Untying the Knot Brothers (2.5)marriage in trouble4.05Ryot Bisley is my husband.

Yes, the former third baseman for the Chicago Bobbies and absolute heart throb of the Windy City. That Ryot Bisley.

The first time I ran into him, he was grumpy, a horrific host, and left me on his sofa with nothing but a nylon baseball flag to use as a blanket.

The second time, he reluctantly bought me dinner, stared at my chest the entire night, and still sported that permanent frown.

The third time . . . well, that was a game changer. His smile captured me, his teasing charmed me, and his touches excited me.

So when he was called up to the majors that didn’t stop us from knocking it out of the park and all the way down the aisle.

Eleven years later…I’d love to say we’re happy as ever but the man who sent me dirty text messages every day is long gone and Mr. Frowny Face is back.

He’s so focused on trying to build a life after baseball that he doesn’t see the life we’ve already created together. . .so I make the hard decision and serve him divorce papers.

Problem is…my husband refuses to accept those papers. Instead, he has a new game plan that makes untying the knot of our marriage a little tricky. And just when I thought I wanted to be traded . . . he's slowly, tantalizingly roping me back in.

Amazon 2022So Not Meant To Be Brothers (2)enemies to lovers
forced proximity
workplace romance4

Am I friends with JP Cane?

Ha! That's laughable.

Besides the fact that he’s adopted some far-fetched notion from the movie When Harry Met Sally that says men and women can't be friends and work together, it’s safe to say we're not friends. He's annoyingly loud, obnoxiously handsome, and has made an art out of poking all my hot buttons . . . multiple times a day.

So you can imagine how disgruntled I am when I not only have to fly to San Francisco with him for work, but stay in the same penthouse. Yup, we're sharing the same air, twenty-four-seven. We're talking full-fledged working roommates.

The man doesn't know what it means to wear a shirt, thrives off protein bars, and you guessed it, moans loud enough for people to believe he's Meg Ryan in a restaurant.

Spoiler Alert: I WON'T be having what he's having.

Tack on his continuous flirting and his polished good looks, and I'm caught staring down the barrel of a seductive temptation that makes it hard for me to sleep at night.

But guess who can control herself? This girl.

Because if there is one thing I know for certain, it's that JP Cane and I are so not meant to be.

Amazon 2023A Long Time Coming Brothers (3)friends to lovers
forced proximity4.3Have you ever heard of a man-in-waiting?

Yeah, neither has my best friend's soon-to-be monster-in-law. Ooo, sorry, I meant mother-in-law. Nor has she heard of the term, what the bride wants, the bride gets.

With wedding planning underway and a short timeline, my best friend, Lia, has recruited me to help her battle the snarly beast that is Mrs. Beaver. Not scared at all, I accept the challenge as her man-in-waiting--aka, man of honor--and take matters into my own hands.

The only problem is, with every second we draw closer to the wedding, I'm starting to see my best girl in a different light.

She's always been beautiful to me, but now . . . I find myself staring a touch too long. My hand lingering for one more minute. And when she's upset? Allowing her to sleep in my bed.

And before I know what's happening, it hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm in love with my best friend. Not just in love, but infatuated.

No one compares to her and nothing seems to distract me from that realization.
Not the girl I try to date while I help plan Lia's wedding.
Not her angry fiancé who thinks I'm growing too close.
And not the looming deadline of her nuptials.

Which means, there's only one thing left for me to do. Prove to Lia I'm the one she should be with instead. But with the pressure of her engagement, the stress from her soon-to-be mother-in-law, and the breath-stealing nerves running through me, I'm finding it a lot harder to claim the girl than I would like to admit.

Say a little prayer for me . . .

Amazon 2016Hustler to lovers4.1I make my living as a hustler, and I’m great at it.
I don’t have a single tell and I use that to my advantage to manipulate any situation.
I’ve always known what a person is about to do before they’ve even decided.

That is, until I met Penelope.
I can’t get a read on her, and what’s worse, she doesn’t want anything to do with me.
Which only makes me want her more.

Now I’m in for the hardest hustle of my life.
Somehow I have to convince her she belongs with me.
Good thing I’m always up for a challenge.

Amazon 2016One Size Fits All bestselling authors bring you a collection of stories that aren't a 'One Size Fits All'.

We're bringing you laughter that just might cause you to pee your pants. Heat; that might cause you to fan yourself. Steam; that you might need to dry off from. Toys; that might require batteries and more packed in behind this cover.

Join Gina Whitney, Shari J. Ryan, Courtney Cole, Danielle Jamie, Isabelle Richards, Misha Elliott, Gia Riley, Meghan Quinn, M.C. Cerny, Alexis Noelle, BL Berry, A.M. Willard, and TJ Burton as we support the Purple Heart Foundation with 100% proceeds donated.

Amazon 2016

F*cking Awkward Holidays Authors, Awkward Sex, Epic Cause
Holidays conjure up many thoughts - long, chilly nights snuggled up by the fire, bare feet tucked under the one you love. Some are hallmarks of summer, when your skin is warmed by more than the sun. There is the after-Thanksgiving dinner nightcap, and the feel of the smooth, sultry burn of whiskey warming your chest, rendering your limbs heavy. Or lazy kisses and wandering hands beneath your best dress on a romantic Valentine's Day date.

But sometimes, Grandma gets boozed up and passes out at the table, your brother gets caught rubbing one out under the fireworks, your kids catch mommy kissing Santa (and not on the lips), your special new toy winds up in the wrong gift bag, a goat steals and wears your sexy new thong and watching the ball drop takes on a whole new meaning.

In other words, the holidays can be magical, but sometimes, they're also just f*cking awkward.

2017Drunk in Love glittering diamond, the promise of forever, and the hope that your future in-laws will move to a galaxy far, far away…sounds like a decadent recipe for eternal happiness, doesn’t it? All girls dream about their wedding day, fantasize about each and every gooey-delicious detail. It’s so easy to get swept away by the champagne bubbles and swallowed up by our dreams.

But we all know the magical path toward happily ever after is not always sprinkled with pixie dust. Sometimes, we stumble over our plans for a perfect future and choke on the words promising forever. We watch as the path takes a defiant turn away from our blissful paradise because everybody has secrets, skeletons, and fears.

And we realize that being drunk in love isn’t always enough.

Enjoy these short stories by:
A.D. Justice
A.M. Johnson
Amy Daws
Carey Heywood
Elle Brooks
Isabelle Richards
J.D. Hollyfield
Jeannine Colette
Kandi Steiner
Kathryn Andrews
Katy Regnery
Kristen Luciani
Liv Morris
Mariah Dietz
M.D. Saperstein
Meghan Quinn
Melissa Collins
MJ Fields
Ryan Ringbloom
Tori Madison

2017Team Player jocks. We love them all.
Sexy baseball players. Intense footballers. Sweaty MMA fighters, and sizzling hockey hotties. Score!
The good news? Eleven bestselling authors have gathered to give you a set of stories focused on the men we love most—sports heroes. We bet you’ll love this thick … book.
The bad news? The men in these novellas don’t actually exist.
Enjoy this naughty Christmas treat!*
*This anthology does not contain calories, just eleven original, never-before-seen stories by the following authors: Adriana Locke, Mandi Beck, Charleigh Rose, Kennedy Ryan, LJ Shen, Meghan Quinn, Rochelle Paige, Ella Fox, Kate Stewart, Emma Scott, and Sara Ney. We aren’t responsible for melted devices.

Team Player:
Adriana Locke (Cross)
Charleigh Rose (Yard Sale)
Ella Fox (Out of Formation)
Emma Scott (One Good Man)
Kate Stewart (Sweeping the Series)
Kennedy Ryan (Full Court Press)
L.J. Shen (The End Zone)
Mandi Beck (Sin Bin)
Meghan Quinn (Back in the Game)
Rochelle Paige (Slapped Into Love)
Sara Ney (Switch Hitter)

Amazon 2018co*cktales*cktales-meghan-quinn-book-cover.pngCo-Writtenanthology4.2co*cktales is a limited-release anthology (available *only* from May 26 – August 26, 2018) of original, never before published material, some of which is raw and unedited. Each story was specifically written for this anthology.

The goal of the co*cktales Anthology is to raise funds to fight against obstruction of creative expression. Specifically, what we believe are obstruction attempts through the trademarking of common (single) words for titicular use in books / or as a book series (eBooks, print, and audio).

*ALL* net profits will be donated to:
1) Authors already impacted by creative-obstruction (10%), and
2) Romance Writers of America (RWA) (90%) as a general donation intended for their Advocacy Fund.

Amazon 2018Love, Sincerely, Yours to lovers
workplace romance4Dear Mister...**strike out** no, too formal.
Hey there sweet cheeks *strike out* no, too forward.

To whom it may concern,
Full disclosure; before we move forward with this email, I would like it to be known that I have consumed an adequate amount of alcoholic beverages to intoxicate myself tonight. Three margaritas, two shots, and one beer—because it was free.
I think it’s important to be open and honest with your co-workers, don’t you?
So here I am, being honest. Drunk but honest. Or just drunk with lust? You decide.
I like you so much it’s clouding my judgment and making me do things I never would sober. Like write this letter.
I have a hopeless, foolish, schoolgirl crush on you when you are the last person on earth I should be falling for. Did you know people around the office call you a sad*st? An egomaniac. An insensitive, arrogant prick. Your bark is worse then your bite, and you don’t scare me. The fact is, I’d love that bite of yours to nip at my bare skin while we’re both wearing nothing but sheets.
For once I want you to look at me as more than one of your employees.
And as long as we're being honest, that navy blue suit you wear? With the crisp white shirt? It really makes me want to loosen your tie and show you who’s boss.

Amazon 2019Team Player 2 football players. Passionate tennis pros. Sexy soccer stars. All sorts of alpha hotties, on the field and off.

Have no fear! The team is back again, and this's thicker. You'll get your sports romance fix with brand-new stories from eleven bestselling authors.

Need one last summer fix? Dive into this anthology.

*This anthology contains original, never-before-seen stories from Ella Fox, Mandi Beck, Teagan Hunter, Ilsa Madden-Mills, Sara Ney, Rochelle Paige, Meghan Quinn, Charleigh Rose, Kennedy Ryan, Emma Scott, and Kate Stewart.

We still aren’t responsible for melted devices.

Amazon 2020Stories of September the school bell rang on September 1st, we were already falling in love.

Stories of September is a collection of sweet and sexy romance novellas from 10 best selling authors obsessed with falling in love. All new. All standalones. Guaranteed to make you swoon.


Happily Ever After Cookbook: Original Recipes for Book Lovers yourself in the world of romance with book-inspired recipes! Bestselling authors of your favorite novels teamed up with private chefs to develop original dishes. Now you can cook your way to a happily ever after...

Enjoy New Orleans Gumbo from Kennedy Ryan's RITA-Award Winner Long Shot. Then bite into Texas BBQ Tacos from USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde's The Wright Brother. Follow it up with Diablo Cookies from Dangerous Temptation by Wall Street Journal bestselling author Giana Darling. Finish your evening with an Underworld co*cktail inspired by New York Times bestselling author Katee Robert's Wicked Villains series.

This sensual journey will surprise and delight readers!

Billionaire heroes and strong heroines come to life with these recipes...

The Happily Ever After Cookbook contains exclusive appetizers, soups, main dishes, desserts, co*cktails, breakfast, and bakery recipes. Bring romance novels to life with these literary dishes. It will look great on your keeper shelf next to your favorite books.

FULL LIST OF AUTHORS INCLUDED: Cora Reilly, Laurelin Paige, Adriana Locke, Meghan Quinn, K. Webster, Amelia Wilde, Giana Darling, Katee Robert, Kylie Scott, Alta Hensley, Amo Jones, Sara Ney, K.A. Linde, Jenika Snow, Q.B. Tyler, Corinne Michaels, Maya Hughes, Melanie Harlow, Kelly Elliott, Kandi Steiner, Susan Stoker, Kennedy Ryan, M. O'Keefe, Fiona Cole, Willow Winters, AM Hargrove, L.B. Dunbar, Terri E. Laine, Monica Murphy, Jana Aston, Susannah Nix, A.L. Jackson, Teagan Hunter, M. Robinson, Pepper Winters, Sienna Snow, Emma Scott, Skye Warren, Mia Sheridan, Kate Canterbary, Tasha Boyd, Danielle Romero, Louise Bay, Aleatha Romig

Amazon 2017Three Blind Dates by Numbers (1)online/blind dating4.1"Good Morning Malibu, it’s another beautiful day on the west coast! I'm Noely Clark, your host: and I'm in the market for love…”

When the publicity team of the new local restaurant, Going in Blind, began their search for a hot, local celebrity to promote the wildly popular eatery, they couldn’t have found a better person than me.

Outgoing? Check.
Single? Check.
Open to finding love? Check.

I signed up immediately.

A hopeless romantic with an exceedingly demanding schedule, I've found it impossible to find the man of my dreams—so Going in Blind seems too good to be true! That’s until they start setting me up on dates—three very different, very attractive, very distinct blind dates—and only one thing is for certain . . .

I’m in big trouble.

Good Morning Malibu,
I'm Noely Clark, and I have a choice to make.
The question is who will I choose; the suit, the rebel, or the jock.

Amazon 2018Back in the Game by Numbers (2.5)single dad
sports romance (hockey)4Single dad and hockey star, Calder Weiss has put his love life on the back burner for the past five years, raising his daughter and keeping up with the demands of his profession.

But all that changes the minute Rachel Perry runs into him in the most unlikely of places, right outside the men's bathroom. Vibrant and enchanting, she captures his attention, making it impossible for him to walk away without scoring her number.

Their connection is immediate, their attraction palpable, and their relationship undeniable. But Rachel isn't the only girl in Calder's life which scares him, because Calder's daughter already lost her mother. He doesn't want Shea to lose someone close to her again, making Rachel's task of breaking through Calder's wall that much more difficult.

Amazon 2018Two Wedding Crashers by Numbers (2)one night stand4.3I don’t know what love is anymore.

Well, that’s not entirely true, but I’m going to tell you a little secret: I’ve lost the spark.

You know the kind of spark I’m talking about?

Where butterflies take flight in your stomach from two hands innocently colliding. Or catching your breath when you first meet someone attractive. Yeah, that spark.

Except I haven't felt that feeling in forever; there is nothing left inside of me.

Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem--but I’m a writer on a serious deadline, and my editor is breathing down my neck for a romantic, Nicholas Sparks type love story. No pressure, right?

That's how I find myself flying across the country to crash a wedding in the name of research, dress and heels stuffed into my small suitcase.

It should be the easiest book research ever. Drinking some free champagne, basking in the love of two strangers, and tapping into my romantic side. That’ll be a breeze. I'm a pro. I can handle this.

Until I mistakenly end up in the wrong hotel room, naked as the day I was born, with the sexiest human I have ever met staring me down, wondering what I'm doing taking a shower in his bathroom.

I don’t think calling it “research” will get me out of this mess.

But it will make for one hell of a story.

Amazon 2018One Baby Daddy by Numbers (3)pregnancy
love triangle
sports romance (hockey)4.1"What are you doing now that your team is out of the running for the Stanley Cup?"


I need to forget. I need an escape.

Only one person isn't falling for my reputation as the NHL's Golden Boy; she captured my attention the minute she called me out for snooping through my best friend's house. She didn't want to hear my reason--she only wanted to playfully give me a hard time.

Adalyn is bold, sassy--and the perfect escape.

She's everywhere. In town and in my dreams, and suddenly I need to spend every waking moment with her.

And I do, making this summer the best off-season I've ever had.

But in the midst of getting lost in Adalyn, what I don't expect is to get her pregnant.

And what I definitely don't expect is having to fight for her affection.

Amazon 2019That Second Chance Lucky (1)small town
friends to lovers4.1It was supposed to be an innocent night, celebrating my brother’s birthday. Nothing was supposed to go wrong. We’d vowed to be on our best behavior after all . . .

But it only took one rowdy night with my brothers to flip my world upside down. One unlucky encounter saddled us with a family curse and the promise of doomed relationships. I laughed it off immediately. “Yeah, right,” I thought. “A love curse. Ha!”

Boy, was I wrong.

Word spreads quickly in a town like mine; rumors about that night soon made us the most eligible yet untouchable bachelors in Port Snow, Maine. As a subject of endless gossip and speculation, I could kiss my dating life goodbye.

It would have stayed that way if Ren Winters, the new girl in town, hadn’t crashed into my life. Brave, beautiful, and smart—her vivacious thirst for a fresh start has given me hope that maybe, just maybe, I can have one too.

Everyone wishes for that second chance . . . but could this really be mine?

Amazon 2019That Forever Girl Lucky (2)small town
second chance4.3There are two little words every small-town man dreads:
She’s back.
Harper Sanders, the girl who was supposed to be my forever, has returned to Port Snow, Maine, for good—and she’s bringing back memories of our shared past.
We once had a bright future together, but when tragedy struck, I threw it all away and pushed her out of my life. People in our small town think I’m cursed, but I know better. I did it all to myself.
And now she’s creating a life of her own in the place where we first fell in love. I can’t fight my feelings for her—or the strong attraction that keeps pulling us together. But after all this time, can she forgive the past and fall in love with me all over again?
Everyone hopes to find that forever girl…I just hope I haven’t lost mine for good.Amazon 2020That Secret Crush Lucky (3)small town
friends to lovers
brother's best friend4.2What happens when your secret crush isn’t so secret anymore?
I’ve had feelings for Eve Roberts for as long as I can remember, but because she also happens to be the twin sister of my best friend, Eric, I’ve never acted on my feelings and long ago resigned myself to keeping my crush under wraps.
But after a terrible falling-out with Eric involving a failed restaurant venture and plenty of blame on both sides, I’m back in Port Snow without my best friend and without any direction. But can you guess who’s here? Eve. And my attraction to her is as strong as ever.
As old feelings rush back, Eve and I find ourselves pulled together, whether we like it or not. Lines are crossed, secrets are kept, and we soon discover that the difference between love and friendship may not be so black and white, after all.
Everyone wants that secret crush to love them back…but will I be ready when she does?Amazon 2020That Swoony Feeling Lucky (4)small town
friends to lovers
penpal4.4I'm single . . . so single it's painful.

Yup, ladies, Brig Knightly--that's me--is still a lonely bachelor, stumbling through the streets of Port Snow, looking for the girl he's supposed to end up with.

That is until my brother, Rogan, presents me with the opportunity of a lifetime. The Summer of Love, a secret pen pal program in Port Snow is looking for applicants and I'm the perfect fit.

I couldn't sign up fast enough.

I found myself quickly falling in love with a pair of red lips at the bottom of a letter. Just like in the movies . . .

Life could not have been better, that was until I started hanging out with Ruth Barber. Starting a new business right next to my shop, I found myself gravitating toward her. Her smile, her humor . . . her tea sandwiches.

My attraction for Ruth came in full force, leaving me dazed, confused, and *ahem* excited.

As new feelings for two women come to a screeching halt, I have to figure out who to choose. But when I discover my pen pal is Ruth, it might be too late.

All I want in life is to experience that swoony feeling . . . but I think I might have just missed my chance.

Amazon 2013Caught Looking (1)sports romance (baseball)3.9Things are starting to heat up in Atlanta, or at least in Jane’s celibate life of two years. On the two year anniversary of her nasty split between her and her ex, Jane’s friends, Molly – class “A” filthy mouth – and Albert – flamboyant dresser extraordinaire – decide it’s high time Jane drops the conservative persona, let loose and start to have some fun once again.

Brady Matthews, Atlanta Warriors first baseman and well known through the media as Atlanta’s gigolo, thought he was just taking his new teammate, Michael Banks, out on the town. Little did he know Michael’s friend from college, Jane, was going to show up at their table and turn his world upside down.

When Brady meets Jane, he is instantly attracted to Jane’s innocence and inner sex kitten but the last thing she wants is to be thrown into another relationship with such a publicly known man-whor* especially after her heart was broken so devastatingly. Brady makes it his mission to win Jane over and make her see him as the man he actually is, not the way the media perceives him. But it is not that simple. Wedding plans, spring training, ex’s, old college friends, the paparazzi and gossip magazines seem to keep getting in the way of Brady’s goal to earn Jane’s heart.

Caught Looking goes through the love lives of Jane, Brady and their group of friends fighting the hardships of cheating, trusting, losing love and trying to find it once again. In one of America’s hottest cities, the gang heats up the sheets while their lives entangle together causing heartache, suffering through loss and finding love….hopefully.

Amazon 2013Playing the Field (2)sports romance (baseball)4.2The gang is back and this time there is a wedding to celebrate, except that is the last thing on Molly Meyers’ mind. After losing her fiancé, Luke, two years ago, the last thing on her mind is helping her best friend, Jane Bradley, plan her wedding and celebrate the annoyingly, obnoxious, lovey-dovey relationship Jane has with Braves first baseman, Brady Matthews.

Austin Lee, rookie outfielder for the Braves finds himself in the middle of a blonde tornado known as Molly. When her fiancé died, he gave her space and time to heal but always admired her from a far. Never in a million years did he think he would be bedding his dream girl and planning a future with her starring as his leading lady.

Patty O’Neil, abuse victim and Jane’s friend, finds herself struggling to let any man back in her life. Marc Sullivan, Braves catcher and Brady’s best friend, wants to be that man in Patty’s life but is finding it awfully difficult to crack the wall Patty built around herself. Patty wants Marc as a friend but Marc wants more.

Lucy Reynolds, Austin’s best friend and Molly’s worst enemy never thought she would find the love of her life while sitting in a café, eating Greek food and reading her Kindle but she did.

Connor Cartwright luckily came into her life and she couldn't be happier. The only problem is…he is Luke’s brother, something Molly can’t seem to accept.

"Playing the Field" goes through the lives of the Hot-Lanta gang as they tangle a drama filled web together, screwing each other, lying to one another, and sabotaging each other’s lives. Follow their story as once again the drama unfolds, feelings are hurt, slaps are thrown and Hot-Mess Molly tries to make everyone just as unhappy and miserable as she is.

Amazon 2014Warning Track (3)sports romance (baseball)4.2Life is never as it seems and for Molly Meyers, life has been one hell of a roller coaster the past couple of years. When she thinks she finally has a handle on where her future is taking her, she gets a visit from her past which throws her entire life plan up in the air.

The question is can Molly handle the ups and downs this past relationship will bring her? Or does she need to keep the past where it belongs and not only try to save herself, but save her baby girl as well? The gang is back and this time, no one is left untouched.

Pain, confusion, frustration and disappointment are spread through the group as new and exciting adventures are welcomed and unexpected events occur.

Catch up with the characters and their lives in Warning Track as the drama continues in the third installment of the Hot-Lanta series.

Amazon 2015Hit and Run (4)sports romance (baseball)4.3Right when Jane and Brady have everything right in the world, they lose the one thing they didn’t know they wanted. The pain is too much, the expectations are too high and the pressure they put on each other tears them a part.

They have one chance to make it right, one chance to try and move on from the hurt and pain but is Jane ready to put her past behind her or is she going to take the easy road out and give up?

The drama finally concludes in this heart-wrenching series full of twists, turns, cliffhangers, deaths, and hot, steamy nights.

Life isn’t as easy as it seems, especially under the heat of living in Hot-Lanta.

Amazon 2020The Romantic Pact of Football (2)friends to lovers4.2I haven't seen her in three years.

I haven't talked to her since the kiss.

So why am I on a plane, flying across the world to spend a week with her in Germany?

One word: Pops.

My life’s a mess.
My possible football career is hanging on by a thread.
I'm driving the roads of Germany in honor of Pops with the one girl I can never have.
And I’m sharing a bed with her, the girl I've measured everyone else up to, while desperately trying to not to touch her.

We made a pact growing up, never to get romantic with each other - never fall in love.

And I'm about to break that pact. For good.

Amazon 2013Fair Catch and Sports (1)sports romance (football)
new adult3.8Training, playing ball and studying is Lexi’s life and it never seems to bother her until her friend, Parker Hill, points out to her that sweat pants on a Friday night while watching sappy romance movies isn’t really living up her last year in college.

Lexi didn’t see the need to party since she didn’t know what the hell she was doing with her life after college but her friends wouldn’t take no for an answer. Little did she know going to the first party of the season was going to flip her world upside down.

Jake Taylor, starting quarterback for Cal U and campus heart throb spent his entire college career, partying, getting drunk and winning football games but it is all finally catching up to him. He is ready to throw in the towel of his partying days when he decides to have one more last fling.

That is when he runs into the one person that could turn his life inside out. Lexi wants nothing to do with Jake and his partying ways but after one bet gone wrong , she finds herself on a date with the annoyingly obnoxious, egotistical heart throb. Even though she wants nothing to do with him, she finds herself gravitating toward him and giving into his charm. They fall hard and fast for each other as they find love, comfort and a home.

They live in their own littler world where nothing matters besides the love they share for each other. But love isn’t enough for Lexi when she is trying to find her way after college. She slowly sinks into Jake’s shadow and finds herself clawing out of the Jake sized hole she buried herself in so she can find who she is, who she wants to be and what her future holds for her.

Fair Catch is a true love story that goes through the trials and tribulations of Jake and Lexi’s insecurities, jealousies, short comings and strong personalities. Love is one hell of a strong bond but sometimes, it’s not strong enough. Follow Jake and Lexi as they try to hold on to the love they share while they try to find themselves and find out what life is after graduation.

Amazon 2014Double Coverage and Sports (2)sports romance (football)
new adult4Unfortunate inconvenience, that is the way Piper describes her encounter with Mason Dashel. From the minute the alpha male interrupts her morning after hangover on the airplane, she can’t stand to be near the egotistical maniac with a booming voice and annoying sex appeal. But to her misfortune she finds herself not only having to spend time with him at their best friends’ wedding but she also can’t seem to shake the infuriating man in her everyday life.

Psychotic Una-bomber with the constant mensies is the way Mason describes his flying companion, Piper Shores. After a horrific break up with his now ex, Brooke, he finds himself being engulfed by the temperamental red head that just so happens to be the maid of honor to one of his best friends, Lexi. Even though she grates on his every nerve, he can’t help but want a piece of her.

The two are like oil and water, a science experiment ready to explode any second but they can’t help but be drawn to each other. The only problem is… there are other people they are involved with who not only prevent Mason and Piper from being together, but interrupt any chance they have at making a relationship work.

Amazon 2014Three and Out and Sports (3)sports romance (football)
new adult4.2Piper was dead to him.

The minute she walked out the door on Mason, he was done.


Now, three months later, he’s still trying to act like he doesn’t care. Like his heart hasn’t been torn into shreds and obliterated beyond recognition.

But it’s not working.

He’s broken and beyond repair.

Then Piper goes missing.

Mason tries to show the world he doesn’t care, but his world is flipped upside down.

A vulnerable Mason finds help in an unexpected place and it’s an offer he can’t refuse.

The knot that has been gripping Mason’s heart slowly starts to unravel and he’s starting to look into his future…

Three and Out runs through the lives of Mason and his friends while they struggle to find love and keep it in their hectic, crazy, drama twisted lives.
Not everyone is meant to be and not everyone who you think should be together, will end up together in the final installment of the Love and Sports series.

Amazon 2022Royally Not Ready (1)forced proximity
grumpy-sunshine3.9So there I was selling bikinis out of my truck in South Beach Miami, getting ready to kick off a wet t-shirt contest when the world’s biggest grouch approached me - Keller Fitzwilliam.

The man had the sultriest British accent I've ever heard. And he looked like he just walked off a Viking boat and into a suit tailored specifically for his impressively muscular frame. Only problem is, he had the warmth of an ice pick and he kept telling me he was here to take me back to his home country.

Of course, I didn't follow him. I might be up for a good time, but I'm also educated enough to know leaving with a stranger isn't smart. Well, that's until he mentioned my mom's name. My mom who passed away several years ago.

So after some serious fact-checking, my bikini-clad bum went with him to a sub-arctic country I had never heard of just north of the British Isles, where I found out my grandpa was the king of said freezing country, and I was the one and only heir.

Desperate to learn more about my mom, I decided to give this princess thing a chance.

Good idea, right? Wrong.

Because Mr. Ice Pick was put to the task of training me and he’s not just cold as ice, he’s pompous, aggravating, and possessive. And did I mention we have to share a bathroom in a tiny castle?

We are oil and water every single day and even though he’s training me to be queen, I have this simmering desire to kneel before him.

Amazon 2023Royally In Trouble (2)marriage in trouble (engagement*)
forced proximity
grumpy/sunshine4.1I have two responsibilities as the new heir to the throne:

1. Get married.
2. Have babies.

Sure, becoming queen one day is part of those new responsibilities, but as long as King Theo is in charge, I don't have to add a coronation to my list.

That's why I find myself in the throes of wedding planning, pre-wedding classes with my broody, over-protective fiancé, and counting down the days until we can finally say I do.

But with every day we grow closer to our wedding, we seem to grow apart.

Our commonalities are tested.
Our faith in each other is questioned.
And our safety is threatened.
The only thing working? The command he has over me in the bedroom.

I keep telling myself, it’ll all work out. We just need to make it to the wedding day. Except, when the day finally comes, everything falls apart.

We might have made it through the last few months together, but now I'm not sure we're going to make it out of this alive.

Amazon 2015Newly Exposed adult
workplace romance4Adam James is a corn-fed, Nebraska raised, piece of man meat with a chiseled body and baby face. He is in desperate need of a paycheck and will do just about anything to get one, including stripping down to his skivvies and lathering up in baby oil.

Solo Cohan is a quirky hipster with a strong work ethic,raised by two gay dads who are head over heels in love with Harrison Ford and Star Wars, hence the name, Solo. She works for Teeg Model Management, the same modeling agency that decides to book Adam as their next up and coming model.

Sparks ignite between her and Adam the minute her baby oil soaked hand connects with his practically naked body. Even though Solo can't stop thinking about Adam during photo shoots, she quickly and awkwardly, shows Adam her distaste for male models and her inability to engage romantically with them.

Adam is captivated by her nerdy talk and peculiar tendencies and sets out to make it his mission to turn the Star Wars loving hipster to the dark side, where mingling with models is widely arousing.

Amazon 2016The Mother Road's best friend
friends to lovers4.2Never in a million years would I have pictured myself as an axe-wielding, dragon lady, chopping up multi-colored flannel shirts into my very own plaid mulch. But here I am, chopping away my frustrations.

It all started when my brother, Paul, convinced me to go on one last family road trip across the Mother Road with him and my dad.. Just like old times, right? Wrong. What Paul fails to mention is his best man, Porter, will be joining us, who just so happens to be my childhood crush and the man who broke my heart four years ago.

What is supposed to be a fun, family bonding experience across Route 66 turns into a war of pranks, awkward moments and bathrooms full of dirty flannel shirts and day old beard clippings. Paul’s know-it-all attitude and Porter’s devilish charm brings me to the brink of my sanity on my seven day trek across the United States with three bearded men in a small 1980’s RV.

Amazon 2016Dear Life lives. Four stories. Four sets of letters. Four brave souls in need of guidance while facing life's greatest challenges.

The anonymously published Dear Life program is designed to help them step outside of their comfort zones, face their obstacles, and relinquish their demons...and prove their existence.

With their lives teetering between wanting more and losing it all, all four souls dive into the program as a New Year’s resolution, sending them on a crazy, life-altering journey.

Dear Life,

Please be kind.

Yours truly, Hollyn, Jace, Daisy, and Carter.

Amazon 2019

The Virgin Romance Novelist Chronicles to lovers
opposites attract4.1Her bosom heaved at an alarming rate as his rough hand found its way down to her soft, yet wiry briar patch...

Can you say briar patch in a romance novel? What about breasts? Do bosoms really heave?

Goodness, I have no idea what I'm doing. I’m a virgin attempting to write a romance novel and I'm having an impossible time trying to write a passionate and swoon-worthy love scene worthy of being published, thanks to my lack of experience.

My two best friends encourage me to drop the pen, step outside my comfort zone, and gain some real life experience through multiple dating facets such as blind dates, online profiles, and random hookups. But losing my "flower" is proving to be much tougher than expected…

This is the story of my awkward, humiliating, and slightly terrifying life, but like all romance novels, I know it will end in a happily ever after. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

Amazon 2020Mr. Klein is Fine child
novella3.9Gunner Klein is the hot P.E. teacher at Forest Heights High school. While at a teacher's retreat, he is greeted by a blast from the past. She's the girl he can't seem to shake, and he's not letting her get away this time, the only problem is . . . she has ONE BIG secret she's been harboring from him.

Just when Gunner thinks everything is going to be work out for them, he realizes, their journey is only beginning . . .

Amazon 2020The Modern Gentleman dating4Have you ever hit rock bottom?

I embarrassingly have.

It’s why I’m wearing my girl's decorative scarf over my head, clutching her lady drink to my chest, and singing ever so softly to Joni Mitchell while swaying back and forth.

This is what therapists refer to as LOSING IT.

Oldest story in the book: boy meets girl, boy falls for girl, boy screws up MASSIVELY, girl tells boy to suffocate in the fruits of his very own unborn children.

Heard it before? I'm sure you have.

So what's so different about this story? Well, it's about me, The Modern Gentleman, New York City's top advice columnist, and my rather ungraceful downfall from my pristinely polished pedestal.

It's about a girl I met who threw all my proven theories to the wind and left me awkward, needy, and absolutely head-over-wingtipped shoes in love.

This is a story about June Lacy and how she single-handedly dismantled The Modern Gentleman.

Amazon 2021The Wedding Game to lovers3.9Luna Rossi is a veritable crafting genius—she can bedazzle and bead so hard her Etsy site is one of the hottest in the world. So it’s only natural that Luna would convince her brother and his husband-to-be to compete on The Wedding Game, a “do-it-yourself” TV show, for the title of Top DIY Wedding Expert.

As a jaded divorce lawyer, Alec Baxter scoffs at weddings and romance. But when his recently engaged brother begs him to participate in The Wedding Game, Alec grudgingly picks up a glue gun and prepares for some family bonding.

Both fierce competitors, Luna and Alec clash on national TV as harsh words and glitter fly with abandon. But as they bicker over color swatches and mood boards, they find themselves fighting something else: their growing mutual attraction. While Luna is torn between family loyalty and her own feelings, Alec wonders if he might have been wrong about love and marriage all along…

Amazon 2021The Highland Fling
small town4Freshly fired from her third job in a row, Bonnie St. James has lost her way. So when she and her best friend stumble upon a “help wanted” post to run a coffee shop in the Scottish Highlands, they apply on a whim. Who knows? Maybe traveling to a new place is just what she needs to figure out her next move.

When the friends arrive in the tiny idyllic town of Corsekelly, they instantly fall for the gorgeous Highland landscape and friendly townspeople. But Bonnie finds a less-than-warm welcome in Rowan MacGregor, the rugged local handyman. Busy wrestling his own demons, Rowan’s in no mood to deal with the quirky American—even if she is a bonny lass.

As Bonnie and Rowan’s paths inevitably cross, insults—and sparks—fly. Can the pair build on their similarities to help each other find purpose and direction…and maybe romance too? Or will their passionate tempers fling them apart?

Amazon 2021The One Night's best friend3.8Recently divorced Cooper Chance knows he’s officially in a rut when his parents take him barhopping in the hope of resuscitating his love life. At first, he’s skeptical. How could a gritty dive bar possibly solve his problems? But then he runs into Nora McHale.

Nora isn’t at the bar looking for love. She’s there to unwind after yet another exhausting day at her bakery. And even if she were hoping to meet someone, it sure wouldn’t be Cooper—her best friend’s ex-husband.

According to the unwritten rules of romance, Cooper and Nora are completely off limits to each other. But after a fun, flirty night at the bar, they can’t ignore the wild attraction between them.

Is this the beginning of something real, or will their passionate night together be their one and only?

Amazon 2022The Reunion romance
friends to lovers
second chance4Martin and Peggy Chance believe love should last a lifetime. With their fiftieth wedding anniversary on the horizon, they’ve modeled a beautiful relationship for their three grown children. But to their dismay, that lesson hasn’t quite caught on—the three siblings just can’t seem to take a chance and find love in their own lives.

There’s Ford, the eldest, devoted to his work and resistant to romance…or so he claims. Cooper, the middle child, can’t get past his divorce—until he reconnects with a feisty baker from his past. And Palmer, the baby of the family, is the free-spirited world traveler who always pictured herself with someone other than a handsome small-town family doctor.

When the Chance siblings come together to plan the ultimate anniversary party for their parents, they’ll have to navigate romantic entanglements, sibling rivalries, and the definitive end of their childhood. Whatever happens, The Reunion promises to be a fun, flirty, wild ride.

Amazon 2022Runaway Groomsman triangle
small town
second chance4Hollywood screenwriter Sawyer Walsh knows a good love story when he sees it. But when it comes to real life romance, he’s a mess. That’s how he finds himself standing at the altar…as his ex-girlfriend ties the knot with his very famous best friend. The pressure, the resentment, the media coverage—it’s all too much—and before he knows exactly what he’s doing, he’s making a run for it, leaving a shocked congregation and flashing cameras in his wake.

Needing to lie low amid the media fallout, Sawyer lands in the charming town of Canoodle, California, where he crosses paths with Fallon Long, who runs the Canoodle Cove Cabins, a family-owned business and Sawyer’s new short-term residence.

Overwhelmed with renovations and her long list of responsibilities, Fallon is struggling to make ends meet while attempting to bring the cabins back to their original glory. So when Sawyer arrives, she is grateful for the income, but immediately writes him off as just another vapid Hollywood hack, until he begins to prove her wrong at every turn.

As Fallon comes closer to saving the family business, an undeniable bond forms between her and the handsome screenwriter. But the pressures of her family obligations and Sawyer’s notoriety might prove to be too much for anyone to handle. Could Canoodle be the setting for a new romance—or is true love just a Hollywood cliché?

Amazon 2022Resting Scrooge Face
enemies to lovers
second chance
penpal3.6After a bad breakup, Nola wants nothing to do with Christmas, especially in her quaint hometown of Bright Harbor, Maine. Infuriatingly charming and cheery, Nola’s surroundings only worsen her sour mood.

To make matters worse, Caleb, the boy who broke her heart years ago, is all grown up and still living in town. While doing her best to avoid him, Nola bumps into the local mailman, who gives her a mysterious letter. And when she finds that the writer is a fellow Scrooge, she can’t help but feel her spirit lifting.

Nola writes back to her new pen pal—who, unbeknownst to Nola, is none other than Caleb. When Caleb gets a response hand delivered by the mailman, he’s intrigued by the mystery sender. A friendly correspondence develops—and quickly turns flirtatious.

Although Nola and Caleb claim they can’t stand each other, they can’t deny the simmering attraction that brought them together in the first place.

Can these nameless pen pals write their own love story—or will they be too caught up with the ghosts of their Christmases past to find a future together?

Amazon 2023Vacation Wars to lovers3.8Prepared for a good time, Tessa is thrilled to spend the weeks before her sister’s wedding at their family’s favorite vacation spot: Santorini. Sandy beaches, stonewashed houses, attractive men—it’s heaven.

But Tessa’s idea of a girls’ trip comes to a screaming halt when her sister thinks it’s high time Tessa finds some love herself. Unfortunately, Tessa forgot about the deal she made back in high school: she has to find her soulmate before her sister’s wedding. Or else.

As she dodges suitors and her sister’s pranks, Tessa finds an ally in the oh-so-dreamy Myles, her childhood crush who just so happens to work at the resort. But Myles is dealing with some family conflict of his own. He’s elated at being reunited with Tessa, but his father’s refusal to acknowledge his interest in the family business and relegating him to only grunt work casts a dark cloud.

As Tessa and Myles help navigate their way through their families’ antics, they begin to realize that their past feelings may have a future—if only they can turn their island fantasies into something real.

Amazon 2023The Way I Hate Him gap
small town
enemies to lovers4Why am I holding a box of stolen memorabilia formerly owned by my ex-boyfriend's boss in my arms? It's called . . . revenge.

After failing my last semester for my masters degree, I decided to come back to my hometown of Almond Bay and wallow in self pity while my boyfriend told me everything was going to be okay. To my dismay, instead of open arms, he greeted me with a box to move my things.

Now I'm not a petty person, but when he told me he broke up with me because I was boring, there's only so much of the higher road I can take. Hence the box of memorabilia I took from him.

The plan? To give it back to his boss, who happens to be my brother's nemesis, and get the ex fired. But plans never go the way you want them, because instead of dropping off the box with a note, I'm pinned with the crime by Hayes Farrow himself.

And because my life is so pathetic, he gives me two options: turn me into the police and press full charges or . . . work it off. How could I possibly work for someone I can't stand? Easy, I don't look good in orange.

But working for Hayes isn't as horrible as I thought it would be. The hate I had for him begins to turn into something else - something deeper, something I never thought I'd feel.

Unfortunately there are still old grudges and family drama to deal with. And what happens when my brother finds out that I'm working for the guy he hates more than anyone else in the world? Will I be able to follow my heart or will the way I hate him blind me from the love I feel?

Amazon 2020See Me After Class Teacher Romance (1)enemies to lovers
workplace romance4.2"Did you have relations with my brother . . ."

Good question.

I’d like to preface this by saying it was never my intention to ever get involved in a workplace romance, let alone get involved with the most surly, agitating, and pompous man I’ve ever met who just so happens to be my new friend’s brother.

My intentions were to show students how English and reading books could actually be fun and make a new life for myself in the suburbs of Chicago.

But so far, I’ve managed to be called into the principal’s office.

Coerced into participating in the teacher's badminton league.

And instigated into passionate fights with Arlo Turner over education and decorum while losing my underwear at the same time.

Known as Mr. Turns Me On, he’s the reason I might get fired from my first ever teaching job.

Amazon 2021Earn Your Extra Credit Teacher Romance (2)fake dating
enemies to lovers
workplace romance4.2"She went home with someone else that night?"

Hearing the disbelief from my best friend's mouth makes the events of my failed date sting that much more.

I would like to make it known, I have a lot more swagger than what it seems. I don't normally ask a girl out, have her fail to recognize it's a date, and then give me a high five--as if I'm her wingman--and take off with someone else.

No. Normally I'm the one taking the girl home but with Stella, it's been one failed attempt after another and frankly, I'm done trying.

But thanks to my best friend getting married in Hawaii right before the school year starts, I'm stuck on a tropical island, watching Stella parade around in what she claims is a bathing suit.

Unfortunately, that's not the worst of it, just the tip of the iceberg. Because what I think is going to be a relaxing vacation, avoiding the one girl I can't seem to make it work with, has turned into a spectacle of being recruited as Stella's doting fake fiancé so she can save face with an old "friend" from high school.

Now I'm navigating through purgatory while trying not to get turned on by the way she holds my hand or kisses my jaw. It's all fake, that's what I keep telling myself, even though it feels entirely too real.

Amazon 2022Put Me In Detention Teacher Romance (3)drunk vegas wedding4.3"You got married on your divorce-cation?"

That would unfortunately be correct.

I was hanging with the girls, celebrating my divorce when I saw him, my crush, sitting in the corner of the bar all alone. Being single and looking for a wild night, I asked him if he wanted to join me. To my delight, he said yes.

Drinks were consumed, fun was had and then . . . one drunken conversation with a cranky gondolier in Las Vegas led to an Uber lift through a drive-thru wedding chapel with the incredibly hot, British bad boy, Pike Greyson.

On paper, it seemed like I hit the jackpot. And if I wasn't fresh from a toxic marriage, I would have absolutely noticed the finer things about him.

But I wanted nothing to do with being married, so when I arrived back home from my eventful weekend in Vegas, the last thing I expected to see was a new doting husband already moved in.

I asked for an annulment, he pulled a Ross Geller and said no.

That's right, he said NO! Instead, he asked for three months to prove we could be good together.

Insanity clearly knocked him in the head and the only way I could convince him to give up on our sham of a marriage was to show him just how wrong we were for each other. Only problem with that was, he saw right through my every prank, every trick, and every yearning emotion I attempted to mask.

Amazon 2016Stroked (1)sports romance (swimming)4Reese King: Olympic medalist, underwear model, Greek god.

His body is chiseled from rock, sculpted by the weight room, and refined by water.

On a daily basis his skin is completely bare for everyone to see, tan and defined, only covered up by a minuscule piece of spandex. There is no denying his sex appeal.

I hate to admit it, but I’m head over heels infatuated with him.

There is one HUGE problem though. His achingly gorgeous abs, inked up arm, and co*cky swagger belong to my boss, the high-profile, reality star bitch from hell and certified heinous human being, Bellini Chambers.

What I think is going to be an easy job assisting a glorified wench turns into a cluster f*ck of epic proportions.

Amazon 2016Stroked Long (2)sports romance (swimming)
grumpy-sunshine4.4From his dirty-blond hair and breathtaking smile, to the abs from heaven and the irresistible V in his waistline, everything about Bodi Olympic-gold-medalist Banks screams hot piece of @$$.

Yet there’s more.

Dark shadows lurk behind his soulful, serious eyes.

I’m enamored. He’s captured me.

How can running an art foundation with Bodi Banks turns into a slow-burning, epic romance, even though he tries to push me away at every chance? How can I stay away from a broken, routine-driven man whose soul cries to be forgiven for a crime only he believes he committed? Or is that a lie?

Amazon 2016Stroked Hard (3)sports romance
friends to lovers4.3He’s hot. Like, stop breathing kind of hot with his killer body, vivid blue eyes, and constant five o’clock shadow.

Did I mention his body?

Watching Hollis Knightly, Olympic diving gold medalist, man-pony specialist—and co*cky bastard—stand up on the diving platform in nothing but a small piece of Spandex? Yeah, I’m beguiled.

And easily seduced.

I want to keep things light but he won’t leave me alone. And hell, if he’s not wearing me thin.

What is supposed to be a simple summer fling with a very hot man, has now morphed into a f*cked-up mess of feelings, attachment, and dare I say it…love. But I don’t do relationships. And Hollis Knightly does.

Amazon 2019The Locker Room Brentwood Boys (1)sports romance (baseball)
second chance
friends to lovers4.1Have you heard the rumor around campus about the locker room?

If you haven't, let me enlighten you: Legend has it if you bring a girl into the sacred after-game domain of the baseball locker room, it will end with a walk down the aisle. One rowdy and naked encounter against the lockers with the girl of your dreams will make her your wife.

Translation: baseball players are stupidly superstitious and believe the locker room has magical powers.

But not all baseball players are superstitious, me included.

So when the girl I've fallen for brushes me off, I start to question if I need to switch my way of thinking. Maybe it's time I finally hand out a coveted invitation to the locker room.

The only question is, will she accept?

Amazon 2019The Dugout Brentwood Boys (2)sports romance (baseball)
opposites attract
friends to lovers4.3Let me ask you a question:

If someone is vying for your spot on a team and just so happens to injure you during practice, would you believe it was on purpose?

Word around campus is . . . it was no accident.

That injury has cost me everything; my starting position, my junior year—and the draft. Now, I’m a senior fresh off recovery, struggling to find my groove, until the day I run into a nervous, fidgety, girl with freckles, in the dining hall.

They call Milly Potter The Baseball Whisperer, The Diamond Wizard, and The Epitome of All Knowledge. She believes in baseball. She breathes it. She’s the queen of an infamous dynasty, but no one actually knows who she really is, and she plans to keep it that way.

One mishap in the panini line, one miscommunication in the weight room, and many failed attempts at an apology equal up to one solid truth -- Milly Potter never wants to speak to me again -- no matter how good my forearms look.

Little do we both know, she’s about to become more than just my fairy ballmother.

Amazon 2019The Lineup Brentwood Boys (3)sports romance (baseball)
fake dating4.2Want to know a secret? It's about that girl over there.Don’t look, but she’s the one in the power suit—with the long, black hair and the serious expression, the one I’m about to go on a date with . . .

Yeah, according to her, she “accidentally” donated an obscene amount of money to my charity — The Lineup — to win said date but I found out the truth.

Miss. Button Up Blouse has a secret, passionate crush on me.I didn’t know her name until two days ago, despite the friends we have in common.

Was I oblivious? Probably. Was I blind to it? Definitely. But I’m no fool, I see it now. The High Heel Harlot wants more than just a date with Jason Orson, she wants to be able to claim the best butt in baseball as hers.

Here's another secret . . . she has no idea I know.

Amazon 2020The Trade Brentwood Boys (4)sports romance (baseball)
forced proximity
friends to loverss4.2Can you pinpoint a time in your life where you realized you are completely and utterly screwed?

I can. I got the dreaded phone call, the one every baseball player hopes and prays never comes.

I was traded. Yeah, that phone call.

Traded from my long time team of over ten years. And not just to any team, but my childhood rivals; the Chicago Rebels.

Completely and utterly screwed, right? Wrong. The trade was the least of my concerns.

I met a girl. Natalie. Man, she's perfect.

I swore I would never get involved with anyone during the season. Too complicated. But can you believe I have zero restraint when it comes to this girl? I couldn't get her out of my head and the more I talked to her, the more I realized I needed her in my life.

So what's the problem? Why am I screwed? Because, Natalie, the girl I can't stop crushing on, yeah... she's married.

At least, that's what I was told...

Amazon 2020The Change Up Brentwood Boys (5)sports romance (baseball)
forced proximity
friends to lovers4.1BREAKING NEWS: The Bad Boy of Baseball, Maddox Paige, is totally and utterly whipped.

Okay, that might not be the headlines in the newspaper this morning, but it's the reality of my current situation.

It all started a month ago when I received a call from my best friend, Kinsley. She got a new job in Chicago and needed a place to stay. I've known the girl since I was five, what harm would it be to have her stay at my place for a while?

Ha! Total disaster.

Now instead of going out every night with my teammates, I'm couch surfing and sketching endless photos of my best friend . . . but that's the least of my concerns.

The disaster, you ask? I'm rapidly falling head over cleats in love with my best friend, my roommate, and my number one fan.

And she has no idea . . .

Amazon 2020The Setup Brentwood Boys (6)sports romance (baseball)
friends to lovers4.3I’ve fallen victim to a heinous act. An act so vile, so downright dirty, that I’m not sure as a twenty-year-old man I'll ever recover. Brace yourself, because what I’m about to tell you might have you gasping in secondhand horror. Ready?Here it goes . . . I’ve recently become the pawn of a meddling mom.

Yes . . . A MEDDLING MOM--who's been trying to set me up all summer.Now, I understand it’s not a crime for a mother to want her child to fall in love, but when she makes it her relentless MISSION, the heinous act should be classified as a misdemeanor at least. Of course, my mom, the evil matriarch in the devil’s leggings, made her final stab at finding a girl for me days before I went back to college.

And I hate to admit it, but she saved a doozy for last. A titan in black skinny jeans. A boss of nonchalance. And a girl who would not only turn my life upside down, but do it while juggling a soccer ball, looking effortlessly gorgeous around campus, and is one hundred percent against relationships. Of any sort. Thanks, Mom.

Amazon 2021The Strike Out Brentwood Boys (7)sports romance (baseball)
enemies to lovers4.2It started with one night out with the boys. She was the hot diner waitress putting herself through school. I was the rich, arrogant player everyone misjudges.On paper we didn’t match.

Yet all it took was one day. One single day to change her mind.She wasn’t planning to spend her day off with me. She wasn’t supposed to fall for my charm. But one day, one smile, turned into several nights of her calling out my name.

I’m not the guy she should end up with. I’m jealous, possessive. Not here for a long time - just a good time. She’s changed me.

But, for some reason, I feel her slipping through my fingers and no matter what I do, I fear I’m going to strike out with the one and only girl I’ve ever fallen for.

Amazon 2021The Perfect Catch Brentwood Boys (8)sports romance (baseball)
workplace romance
forbidden love4.4"Kiss me. Just this once... please Walker."

Those whispered words were my undoing... As the most hated player in baseball, I had two options: either clean up my image or pack my bags. Being traded wasn't an option which only meant one thing, I had to become compliant.

That's how I found myself sharing a small bistro table with Kate Chapman, the Chicago Bobbies newest PR Manager. Devastatingly beautiful, vastly intelligent, and incredibly cunning, she knows exactly how to handle my grumpy demeanor. It was supposed to be simple. Book some PR events, show up, smile for the camera, and be done. But one massive mistake on my end sends me into the trenches with Kate, forcing me to open up to her.

Innocent glances turn into cordial encounters.
Secret touches turn into tempting invitations.
And dangerous nights alone turn into consuming desperation.

I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I want her. And I know she wants me, but there’s a no fraternizing with the players rule. Neither of us can afford to lose our jobs, but we also can't seem to keep our hands off each other either.

Amazon 2018

The Secret to Dating Your Best Friend's Sister Bromance Club (1)brother's best friend4.1How do you date your best friend's sister? Easy.

Step one: Pretend you want her to set you up with someone else. That will bring the two of you closer.

Step two: Go on date with lots of random women, proceed to get stupid drunk and talk about your best friend's sister, thus gaining the courage to finally make a move.

Step three: Randomly show up at her apartment and confess your love. Women love that, right?

It all seemed so simple. A fool-proof three step process that will guarantee the love of your life to fall madly in love with you.

At least--that's what I thought was going to happen. But my attempts to win over Julia Westin backfired in more ways than I can count. The thing about Julia? She's smart--really smart--and her wicked gaze cuts through all the charm I've tried slinging her way. She's not interested in games, my gifts, or my stories. She might want me too; but she's not giving in that easy...

Amazon 2019Diary of a Bad Boy Bromance Club (2)enemies to lovers4.3Dear Diary,

I might have gotten myself into a wee bit of trouble—and I'm not talking about the "court mandated community service," or “therapy sessions from bashing a bloke in the head" kind of trouble.

I wish it were that simple.

Nope. I’m talking about the "falling in love with one of my client's daughters,” kind of trouble . . . The kind of problem I can’t talk my way out of when the truth gets out.

How I ended up with her phone is a long story—and when she called to get it back, I took things a bit too far. One innocent exchange wound up leading to so much more.

Fun, new, and totally immune to my charm, Sutton is different. And I had no idea she was the daughter of Foster Green.

Blame it on the dark colored stout running through my veins, pushing me toward one bad decision after another. Pushing me toward her even though I know right from wrong; even though she's my client's daughter.

Dating her might be the best or worst decision I've ever made. Only time, whiskey, and one more roll around the mattress with her will tell.

Amazon 2020Boss Man Bridegroom Bromance Club (3)workplace romance
marriage of convenience4.4"Will you do me the greatest honor of all time and be my bridegroom?” she asks, hope in her eyes . . .

How did I get here? My assistant, bent on one knee, holding my hand, her expectant face waiting for an answer.

Just . . . how?

How did I go from being insulted by Charlee Cox to hiring her to be my assistant? How is it that she’s chaos in color - making me crazy and my life better at the same time?

I never thought I would be staring down at her bright blue eyes begging me to go along with this ridiculous scheme I suggested.

Yes, I suggested. Like the idiot I am, I thought hey, why not start an HR nightmare and have my assistant ask me to marry her?

Confused? Don’t worry, so am I.

But try to follow along, because this is how I became Boss Man Bridegroom.

Amazon 2018The Left Side of Perfect Perfect Duet (1)friends to lovers
love triangle4.3For better or for worse,'til death do us part . . .

The better captured me; she's who stole my heart.
And made me realize I couldn’t live without this woman.
The worse of her took my breath away--kicked me when I was down and twisted me into a million knots.

When I first met her, I thought she was someone I would never see again.
The second time I ran into her, it was a random coincidence.
The third?
I didn’t know it at the time, but she was the girl I was going to marry.

But life isn’t always perfect. You have to take the better and the worse--even if it means giving her up, having her slip between your fingers, and letting her walk away.

I’m getting married.
This is forever, 'til death do us part.

Amazon 2018

The Right Side of Forever Perfect Duet (2)friends to lovers
love triangle4.5In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish . . .

It sounds so simple, to love someone unconditionally.
To give them your heart.

So why is she slowly eating away at my soul with every unanswered phone call, every unread text, and every door left unopened?

She said yes, and yet, in order for her to be with me . . . I need to let her go.

Amazon 2021Kiss and Don't Tell Vancouver Agitators (1)sports romance (hockey)
forced proximity4.1Five hockey players, a cabin in the woods . . . and little old me, Winnie Berlin.

Sounds like the start of a fantasy, right? But it's not. It's my reality.

It all started when I got lost in the middle of the Canadian Rockies. A wicked thunderstorm sent my car mud sliding into a ditch and for a girl whose survival skills involve finding the nearest Starbucks, I was in deep trouble.

Forced to abandon my car in search of help, I stumbled upon a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Soaking wet, irritated, and in desperate need of a hot shower, I knocked on the door for help only to be greeted by five boisterous, burly, and insanely attractive men.

Not just men.

Professional hockey players.

I hit the motherload of fantasies, right? Wrong.

Because as it turns out, one of them is my ex-boyfriend's half-brother. And when I end up crashing in their spare bedroom for the night, things take a very unexpected turn.

I'm not sure any amount of survival skills can protect my heart from Vancouver Agitators star goalie, Pacey Lawes. But as long as we kiss and don’t tell, maybe everything will be okay . . .

Amazon 2022

Those Three Little Words Vancouver Agitators (2)sports romance (hockey)
brother's best friend
forced proximity4.1I knocked up my best friend's sister.

Figured I would get straight to the point because how it happened is a mere snippet of the story I have to tell. The real meat and potatoes is what happened after.

Let's start with how she decided to inform me and Pacey the news . . . together. Imagine that nightmare. I was going into what I thought was a hockey marketing meeting and then BAM! I'm going to be a dad and my best friend/teammate is attempting to imprint my face with his fist.

It wasn't pretty.

Threats were tossed around, friendships were revoked, and then I was marched up to her apartment, suitcases in hand, and forced to live with her so I could take care of her every need. Given how much I've pined for the girl, you would think that wouldn't be a hardship. Wrong.

This is my one shot to win my teammate back. Pacey is the only family I've got, so hooking up with his sister isn't a mistake I can make twice . . . despite the fact that she's pregnant with my child.

But with every mood swing, every pair of pants that doesn't fit right, and every late night run to find the perfect donut, I'm finding it harder and harder not to fall for my best friend's little sister.

Amazon 2023Right Man Right Time Vancouver Agitators (3)sports romance (hockey)
fake dating
age gap4.1Running into your ex is never ideal.
Running into your ex who is now dating your nemesis is a literal nightmare.

That’s how I found myself in a sheer panic, reaching for the closest guy at the bar and kissing him. And to my delight he was easily the most attractive man I’ve ever seen.

The only problem is, when I tried to walk away after thanking him for his help, he stopped me with three life-changing words . . .“You owe me.”

That’s how I found myself, a college girl, in a fake relationship with a professional hockey player ten years older than me.

At first it was easy.
He helped me with my internship.
I helped keep his ex away from him.
We were becoming fast friends.

It wasn’t until he started staying the night at my dorm did the rules of our arrangement become complicated.

Now my feelings are involved and even though I kissed the right man at the right time, I’m worried he’s just waiting for the clock to run out.

Amazon 2023He's Not My Type Vancouver Agitators (4)fake dating
sports romance (hockey)4.4Word to the wise, never become roommates with a girl you’ve been pining over for the better part of a year.

You’re probably wondering why I would do such a thing? Well, I didn’t.

It was my teammates.

The moment they found out Blakely White was single, they took it upon themselves to play cupid and instruct me on how I should win her over.

Don't wear a shirt around her.
Make her dinner.
Lightly touch her shoulder when you say goodbye.

I'm so flustered, so overwhelmed, so madly in love with this woman who barely notices me, that I lose control of the situation and make one huge mistake: I offer to be her fake date for a wedding so she can make her ex jealous.

That means, for one whole night I get a free pass with her. I get to hold her, dance with her, kiss her…stare at her from across the room like she’s my entire world because she has been for months now.

But when the night comes to an end, I’m faced with two options: bring her back to my bedroom and show her how I really feel, or let her walk away, succumbing to the fact that I very well might not be her type.

Amazon 2013

Beers, Hens and Irishmen Point (1)small town3.9Fiona O’Leary wants nothing more than to flee away from the small town she grew up in, her three extremely over protective brothers, and her Irish parents. But leaving Warblers Point is not that simple, especially when she is the bar maid at the local pub she owns with her three brothers. After a two year relationship with local Irishman, Murphy Ryan, sharing nothing but each other’s beds, she realizes she wants more out of a relationship besides sex. But somehow she keeps winding up in his arms wishing she could break away but finds the task impossible when her family is head over heels in love of the idea of Murphy and Fiona together.

Booker Hall, world re-known director, finds himself living an empty and unfulfilled life. The people around him are fake, narcissistic and only care about his money. In an act of desperation he decides to enlist his sister for some help, give himself a makeover and go to a place where no one would recognize him. Never did he think he was going to fall in love with an unsuspecting bar maid with whiskey colored eyes and an over-bearing family.

The minute Fiona lays eyes on Booker, she knows she is sunk. His devilish grin, movie star looks and charming heart are hard to avoid and she constantly finds herself gravitating toward him. The only bad thing about Booker is that he is a tourist and living in a touristy town she has learned that getting involved with a non-local only brings heartache. Instead of giving into Booker, she finds herself debating which relationship is safer; an empty relationship but fulfilling sex life with Murphy or a deep and meaningful relationship with Booker that could only bring heartache.

Beers, Hens and Irishmen dives into the complexity of Fiona’s love life, the crazy antics of her three brothers, as well as her two overbearing and heavily Irish speaking parents. Fists fly, hearts are broken, beer is guzzled and deceit is formed amongst comrades while the O’Leary’s take over Warblers Point in the search for love and what makes them happy.

Amazon 2014Beers, Lies and Alibis Point (2)small town4.1The Warblers Point series is back and it’s not all beers and Irish accents this time, revenge is being sought after and Murphy and Sophie won’t give up until they’re back on top.

After the embarrassing display of Liam and Finn fighting over NOT wanting Sophie in her front yard, the gossip vine has made her to look like the town tramp which she isn’t and it has not only affected her social life but her business life as well and she only has the O’Leary boys to thank for it.

Murphy Ryan, hunky Irishman of Warblers Point, can’t stand the fact that he lost his girl to pretty boy Booker James, aka The Sheila. After Murphy lost Fiona, he realized he wants her back in his life because he believes they belong together. He will do whatever it takes to make sure Fiona is back in his arms and as far away from the California boy as possible.

Watch how Murphy and Sophie take it upon themselves to not only seek revenge but get what they want at any cost, no matter who they hurt. The lives, relationships and sanity of the O’Leary family are tested, questioned and pushed to the brink in the second book of the Warblers Point Series: Beers, Lies and Alibis.

Amazon 2024

The Reason I Married Him of convenience
enemies to lovers
small town4.3He proposed . . . and I said yes.
Normally a jovial occasion for a couple in love, but this proposal has a very different feel.
Because the man that I'll be calling my husband blew into town with one thing on his mind . . . to make my life a living nightmare.

So why did I say yes?

Well, because we both need something from each other.

Namely, I want the farm land he currently owns, and he needs a wife in order to inherit his family cabin in his grandfather’s will.

So as he so eloquently put it, my hand, for his land.

At first, I thought the idea was nuts.
Who really gets married out of convenience?
Apparently, I do.

And now we have to sell our relationship to the town. Meaning, we're holding hands, he's pinching my cheeks . . . upper and lower. We're even forced to share the one-bedroom guest house on the farm where his monstrous body is taking up a large percentage of the bed.

But we’re so persuasive about our farse, that now I’m starting to think he actually might like me. Especially when he grabs me by the wrist and teases the shell of my ear as he whispers, “Mine.”

How To Read Meghan Quinn Books In Order (2024) (2024)


What order do I read Kate Quinn books? ›

Kate Quinn Books In Order
  • Mistress of Rome (2010)
  • Daughters of Rome (2011)
  • Empress of the Seven Hills / Empress of Rome (2012)
  • The Three Fates (2015)
  • Lady of the Eternal City (2015)

In what order should you read Quinn Loftis books? ›

Quinn Loftis Books In Order
  • Prince of Wolves (2011)
  • Blood Rites (2011)
  • Just One Drop (2012)
  • Out of the Dark (2012)
  • Beyond the Veil (2012)
  • Fate and Fury (2013)
  • Sacrifice of Love (2013)
  • Luna of Mine (2014)

Does the Vancouver Agitators series have to be read in order? ›

MY Synopsis: Right Man Right Time by Meghan Quinn is the third book in her Vancouver Agitators series. This book can be read as a standalone, but I'd read the first two before hand so you understand the others players better :) Right Man Right Time follows Silas and Ollie.

Is a not so meet cute spicy? ›

This book was a little silly, but I definitely enjoyed it! Fake dating is one of my favorite tropes, and I loved Lottie and Huxley's take on it. Their banter was adorable and had me laughing out loud at times. This book is very spicy, but I enjoyed it because the relationship felt so believable.

Is a not so meet cute a series? ›

A Not So Meet Cute is the first book in Meghan Quinn's Cane Brothers series and this is the spiciest book in the series!

Is the rose code related to the Alice network? ›

In an enthralling new historical novel from national bestselling author Kate Quinn, two women—a female spy recruited to the real-life Alice Network in France during World War I and an unconventional American socialite searching for her cousin in 1947—are brought together in a mesmerizing story of courage and redemption ...

Are any of Kate Quinn's books movies? ›

Here's a question I get quite a lot from readers: will your books ever be made into movies? The answer, I'm sorry to say, is no.

What order should I read after? ›

What order does the After series go in? The first book is called After, and it's followed by After We Collided, After We Fell, and After Ever Happy. The last published book in the After series is a prequel, and it's called Before. Needless to say, you should read the series in chronological order.

What family is the grey wolf in? ›

Gray wolves (Canis lupus) are the largest wild members of Canidae, or dog family, with adults ranging in weight from 18 to 80 kilograms (40 to 175 pounds), depending on sex and geographic locale.

Do you have to read the detective Josie Quinn books in order? ›

The only thing that spans multiple books are the ongoing relationships among the series' regular characters and also, Josie's personal life. In terms of the relationships among those returning characters and Josie's personal life, it will mean more to you if you read them in order, but you really do not have to do so.

What is the class of a grey wolf? ›

The scientific name for a wolf is Canis lupus, and they belong to the Mammalia class in the order Carnivora.

Is He's Not My Type by Meghan Quinn part of a series? ›

I love Meghan Quinn books and have real many of them, but I think this is my new favorite! Definitely one of my favorites of the year and of all time. This book is #4 in the Agitator Series and could be read as a standalone, BUTTTTT you are missing out big time if you don't read the first three.

Do you read book series in order? ›

However, there is character development from novel to novel, and if that is something you care about, you will want to read them in order for that purpose - but again, it's not necessary.

Will there be more Vancouver Agitators books series? ›

In case you haven't heard the news, Posey's book is next and will be the final book in the Agitators series.

What order should I read The Seven Sisters series? ›

The first book in the series is The Seven Sisters; followed by The Storm Sister, The Shadow Sister, The Pearl Sister, The Moon Sister, The Sun Sister and The Missing Sister. The eagerly awaited final book of the series, Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt came out in May 2023.

What order should I read Love and Gelato books? ›

Love & Gelato Series Order
  • Love & Gelato Series Order.
  • Love & Gelato Book.
  • Love & Luck Book.
  • Love & Olives Book.

Do you have to read Megan Miranda books in order? ›

A: All of the books are stand-alone and can be read in any order, except for Vengeance, which is a companion to Fracture (taking place months after the events in Fracture, and told from a different character's point of view).

Do you have to read the Brown Sisters trilogy in order? ›

For the most comprehensive understanding of this trilogy, read the books in their proper order: Get a Life, Chloe Brown. Take a Hint, Dani Brown. Act Your Age, Eve Brown.


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.